This is a file manager that allows you to manage files on your computer.
It provides an interface for you to view and organize files and folders on your computer.
To use the file manager in your project, include commands.h, readable.h, reader.h, commands.c, readable.c, reader.c, runtime.c and Makefile files in your source code.
contains the declarations of the functions used in the commands.c file.
contains the declarations of the functions used in the readable.c file.
This is a C header file that contains function prototypes and struct definitions.
The header file is used to declare the functions and structs that are defined in the source file.
The header file contains the following:
- Partition struct definition
- MBR struct definition
- FBoot struct definition
- FATEntry typedef
- FTable struct definition
- RootEntry struct definition
- RootDirectory struct definition
Function prototypes for:
- ReadDiskImage(char* path)
- ParseMBR(FILE* disk, uint64_t offset)
- ParseFBoot(FILE* disk, uint64_t offset)
- ParseFTable(FILE* path, uint64_t offset)
- The InputLoop(FILE* disk) function reads user input from the command line and executes the appropriate command.
The function calls other functions such as PrintHelp(), ls(), cd(char* path), cat(char* path), and stats() depending on the user input. - The ls() function prints the contents of the current directory.
- The cat(char* path) function reads a file from the disk and prints its contents.
- The HumanSize(uint64_t size) function takes a size in bytes and returns a human-readable string representation of the size in bytes, kilobytes, megabytes, or gigabytes.
- The FileAttributes(uint8_t byte) function takes a byte representing file attributes and returns a string representation of the attributes.
- The PartitionType(uint8_t type) function takes a byte representing partition type and returns a string representation of the partition type.
- The ReadDiskImage(char* path) function reads a disk image from the specified path and parses the MBR, boot sector, and FAT table.
The function then saves the parsed data to global variables so that they can be used later. - The ParseMBR(FILE* disk, uint64_t offset) function reads an MBR from the specified disk and returns an MBR struct.
- The ParseFBoot(FILE* path, uint64_t offset) function reads a boot sector from the specified path and returns a boot sector struct.
- The ParseFTable(FILE* path, uint64_t offset, int count, int sectors, int sectorSize) function reads a FAT table from the specified path and returns an FTable struct.
- The ParseRootDirectory(FILE* path, uint64_t offset, uint16_t entries) function reads a root directory from the specified path and returns a RootDirectory struct.
- The SummarizeDisk() function prints out a summary of the disk’s file system information and root directory.
- The lsPrint() function prints out the contents of the root directory.
contains the main function for the program.
To compile and run the project on Linux or macOS:
- Open a terminal window.
- Navigate to the directory where your file manager is located.
- Compile your file manager by running “make”.
- Run your file manager by running “./file-manager-c”.