These are presentations developed for teaching the course Statique I (Static I) at Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne to first year civil engineering students.
These presentations are intended for teaching a basic course on structural analysis of statically determinate structures to civil engineering students. The course duration is 2h / week over a 14 week semester. It is accompagnied by exercises of also 2h / week. The course builds on the book « Statique appliquée (TGC Volume 1) – Analyse des structures et milieux continus » de François Frey (https://www.epflpress.org/produit/56/9782880748968/statique-appliquee-tgc-volume-1 ) but can be also used with other books. The exercises are largely taken from this book and from a booklet that is shared here: https://github.com/eesd-epfl/Statique_I
If you reuse one or several of the presentations or part of a presentation, please cite as Beyer K, Statique I, Lecture notes, School of Architecture, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland, 2024.
katrin.beyer at epfl.ch
The presentations are published under license CC BY-NC 4.0.