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Watchmaker AWS Terraform Module



This repo contains a set of Terraform modules that utilizes the Cloudformation Stack data source to deploy AWS instances (Linux or Windows) configured with Watchmaker. The resources can be deployed as individual instances or in an AutoScaling Group.

For more information on installing and using Watchmaker, go to

How To Use This module

This repo is structured as follows:

  • Root: This folder contains an example of Terraform code that uses the Linux Instance module to deploy a Watchmaker Linux instance.
  • Modules: This folder contains the Terrafrom modules that are used to create the Watchmaker resources.
  • Examples: This folder contains working examples of how to use the modules. Users will need to modify the parameters for their specific AWS environment.

To use this module, create a Terraform file with the same format as in the root or example directories with variables set to your desired configuration.

In your Terraform working directory, run the following commands:

$ terraform init
$ terraform plan
$ terraform apply


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