joi full featured typescript integration ( easy to learn + joi full power )
- really easy to learn
- can do any
- full power of joi ( you cannot use some thing like joi.alternatives on joi-typescript-validator)
- easy to implement with nestjs
this package needs joi on a separate installation for better compatibility
npm install typejoi joi
you can create a joi schema by the following steps:
import { TypeJoi, getSchemaFromClass } from "typejoi";
class JoiSchemaClass {}
const joiSchema = getSchemaFromClass(JoiSchemaClass); // a valid joi schema
import { TypeJoi, getSchemaFromClass, tj } from "typejoi";
import * as joi from "joi";
class JoiSchemaClass {
property: string;
const joiSchema = getSchemaFromClass(JoiSchemaClass);
// ^- equals to : const joiSchema = joi.object({property:joi.string()})
console.log(joiSchema.validate({ property: "hello world" })); // validation successful : {value:{property:'hello world'}}
you can modify the schema (e.g. add options to schema) by passing argument to TypeJoi:
import { TypeJoi, getSchemaFromClass, tj } from "typejoi";
import * as joi from "joi";
@TypeJoi((schema) => schema.options({ presence: "required" }))
class JoiSchemaClass {
property: string;
const joiSchema = getSchemaFromClass(JoiSchemaClass);
// ^- equals to : const joiSchema = joi.object({property:joi.string()}).options({presence:'required'})
console.log(joiSchema.validate({})); // validation failed because properties are now required
it is also possible to use nested schema like this :
const schema = joi.object({
nested: joi.object({
property: joi.string(),
// the same code in typejoi:
class NestedObject {
property: string;
class Test {
@tj() // you can also pass an alternative joi schema for validating this part if no argument passed then typejoi tries to generate schema from nested class
nested: NestedObject;
// Note that if no argument passed and nested class is not a typejoi ( not decorated with @TypeJoi(...)) then you will get an error
#Examples validation using joi.alternatives:
abstract class Job {
experience: number;
// you could also use inheritance for validation
class Worker extends Job {
jobName: "worker";
level: "hard";
class Teacher extends Job {
jobName: "teacher";
level: "very-hard";
class Person {
name: string;
@tj([Teacher, Worker]))
job: Teacher | Worker; // it is not possible to get type from an union instead you can pass it like this
//valid persons are like :
const valid = {
name: "a hardworking worker",
job: {
name: "worker",
level: "hard",
experience: 10,
const valid2 = {
name: "a kind teacher",
job: {
name: "teacher",
level: "very-hard",
experience: 15,
// some invalid examples :
const invalid = {
name: "test",
job: {
name: "teacher",
level: "hard", // because of mismatching name and level the validation will fail
experience: 109,
const invalid2 = {
name: "test",
job: {
name: "teacher",
level: "very-hard",
// invalid because experience field is missing
// typejoi.pipe.ts
import {
} from "@nestjs/common";
import { getSchemaFromClass, isTypeJoi } from "typejoi";
export class TypejoiPipe implements PipeTransform {
transform(value: any, metadata: ArgumentMetadata) {
if (isTypeJoi(metadata.metatype)) {
// get schema from type
const schema = getSchemaFromClass(metadata.metatype);
// validate the input
const result = schema.validate(value);
if (result.error) {
// throwing error
throw new BadRequestException({
errCode: 400,
msg: "invalid input",
error: result.error,
// return transformed value ( joi can also transforms value )
return result.value;
} else {
// return value if type is not a typejoi
return value;
// app.controller.ts
import {
} from "@nestjs/common";
import * as Joi from "joi";
import { tj, TypeJoi } from "typejoi";
import { AppService } from "./app.service";
import { TypejoiPipe } from "./typejoi.pipe";
// the class needs this decorator
@TypeJoi((schema) => schema.options({ presence: "required" }))
class Test {
prop: string;
@UsePipes(TypejoiPipe) // you can also pass pipe to module level and application level.
export class AppController {
constructor(private readonly appService: AppService) {}
// pipe will not affect this
getText(@Body("boolean", ParseBoolPipe) boolean: boolean) {
return boolean;
// working :)
getHello(@Body() body: Test): any {
return body;
returns a schema from a class decorated with @TypeJoi(...) with or without caching arguments:
- target : the class
- useCache?: boolean
- if true it will use cache if exists ( default true )
- setCache?: boolean - if true it will set cache when generating schema ( default true)
the class decorator to indicate this is a schema class arguments:
- modifierOrSchema?: schema modifier or an alternative schema
- schema modifier: a function which accepts a joi schema and return another one useful for adding options to schema or modify keys for some reasons
- alternative schema : if input is a joi schema all props are ignored and schema will return when getSchemaFromClass used
verifies a class is a typejoi class or not arguments :
- target:class
attach validator to a property of a class decorated with @TypeJoi if no value passed it tries to get validator from the type ( it should be a class with TypeJoi decorator) other wise it will throw error arguments:
- schema?: joiSchema | Class[] - accepts schema or array of TypeJoi classes and generates schema from those classes with Joi.alternatives