Gameplay: Survival Z Mini Game
Game Features:
Main Menu
Background Music
Ability to preview the 3 images in the menu (Game Preview)
Three buttons (Play / Shop (not yet available) / Credits)
Implementation of tutorial on how to play the game.
Dynamic Character
Ability to move 8 directions (up/down/left/right and diagonal).
Ability to shoot 8 directions (up/down/left/right and diagonal).
Ability to increase movement up to 30% by toggling sprint.
Regeneration of Stamina after using sprint.
Ability to regenerate 30% of HP by using medkits.
Ability to pick up coin dropped by zombies.
Produce sounds when shooting their weapon
Change the background sounds after toggling the sprint
Produce sounds when shooting an empty gun
Produce sounds when reloading an empty gun
Beautiful background music when the player gets game over.
Dynamic Zombie Character
Ability to Random Spawn Location.
Ability to chase the character in random speed.
Ability to drop coins that can be picked up by character.
Progress Bar Health Indicator to know the health of the zombies.
Animation when chasing the character.
Animation when attacking the character.
Produce sound when dying.
Produce sound when getting hit by the bullet.
Dynamic Droppable Coin
Drops 2 coins each right after zombies got killed.
Ability to be picked up by the character.
Dynamic Zombie Wave
Produce sounds right after clearing the wave.
Produce sounds when showing the next wave.
Wave of Zombies increase by Wave Level up.
Realistic SoundFX
Beautiful implementation of sound effects upon interaction between zombies and characters.
Background FX
Some sort of zombie theme background music.