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Maven properties

Ingo edited this page May 20, 2016 · 1 revision
Name Default Description Example Available since version
ec2.instance.count 1 Number of instances that will be launched. 2 1.0.0
ec2.instance.type m3.medium Type of the EC2 instances that will be launched. m3.medium 1.0.0 ami-b66ed3de AMI ID of the EC2 instance. This drives which operating system will be installed on your instance. When changing this setting, make sure your script still works. Among other things this impacts which package management tool is installed. 1.0.0 gatling-key-pair The key pair that will be used to access the load generator instances. 1.0.0 gatling-security-group The security group used by the load generators. Make sure that your local development environment and CI system have SSH access to the load generators via the security group. 1.0.0
ec2.force.termination false true if the load generators should be terminated after the test despite of test failures. false if the load generators should be kept alive in case of failures to allow troubleshooting. If the tests succeeds all load generators will be terminated regardless of this setting. Setting it to false allows troubleshooting failed load generators. Setting it to true does not allow troubleshooting but helps to reduce EC2 costs. 1.0.4-SNAPSHOT
ec2.keep.alive false true if the load generators should be left running for another test (will override ec2.force.termination). false to allow load generators to be terminated. If tests are not going to run for the full hour use this setting to keep from being charged for the 1 hour minimum up time, also cuts down on load generator initializing time 1.0.4-SNAPSHOT
ssh.private.key ${user.home}/gatling-private-key.pem 1.0.0
gatling.install.script ${project.basedir}/src/test/resources/scripts/ Path to the script used to install Gatling on each load generator and configure the instance accordingly. 1.0.0
gatling.simulation Simulation Fully qualified class name of the Gatling simulation that will be executed on each load generator 1.0.0 (empty) Short description of the test that is going to run. 1.0.0
path.config.file ${project.basedir}/src/test/resources/ Path to your tests configuration file. 1.0.0
gatling.local.results 1.0.0
gatling.local.home 1.0.0
gatling.root gatling-charts-highcharts-bundle-2.1.4 The name of the gatling root directory on the load generator instances. Update this if your installation script is installing a custom version of Gatling resulting in a different folder name. 1.0.0 -Xms1g -Xmx6g Any additional JVM arguments you want to pass through to Gatling. Use this to increase the heap space, open ports for debugging, set environment variables, etc. 1.0.0
s3.upload.enabled false Enable or disable the upload of the final report to S3. 1.0.0
s3.bucket loadtest-results Name of the S3 bucket that the load test results will be uploaded to. 1.0.0
s3.subfolder (empty string) Name of the subfolder within ${s3.bucket} to which the load test results will be uploaded to. Consider using this to organize your reports within S3. 1.0.0
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