This is a project related to a school assignment. To meet the requirements of the assignment, this project will use Docker to prepare the following environment.
- Jenkins
- Application server and database server
- MySQL (MariaDB)
- PHP application
- Application with registration and login functionality (using Laravel)
In addition, CircleCI configuration is included.
- Docker and docker-compose (As the host, Linux environment is recommended)
- Reverse Proxy (e.g., nginx) This project does not provide a container port to the outside world. You may need to use a reverse proxy such as nginx to see how it works.
docker-compose up -d --build
docker-compose exec app bash -c 'cd /docroot && php artisan migrate'
docker-compose exec jenkins cat /var/jenkins_home/secrets/initialAdminPassword
docker-compose exec app bash -l
docker-compose exec db bash -l
docker-compose exec jenkins bash -l