NeuroDynamics.jl is a Julia package for scalable and efficient generative modeling of neural dynamics [1].
Neural systems are modeld as a system of of stochastic differential equations with differentiable drift and diffusion functions.
The package provides a high-level interface for specifying and fitting these models to neural data using variational inference [2, 3] and gradient-based optimization.
The pacakage is still in DEV mode but if you can't wait, feel free to use it and report any issues you encounter.
The dev version can be installed by running the following command in the Julia REPL:
using Pkg
For more information, check out the documentation.
using NeuroDynamics, Lux, LuxCUDA
obs_dim = 100
ctrl_dim = 10
dev = gpu_device()
hp = Dict("n_states" => 10, "hidden_dim" => 64, "context_dim" => 32, "t_init" => 50)
obs_encoder = Recurrent_Encoder(obs_dim, hp["n_states"], hp["context_dim"], hp["hidden_dim"], hp["t_init"])
drift = ModernWilsonCowan(hp["n_states"], ctrl_dim)
drift_aug = Chain(Dense(hp["n_states"] + hp["context_dim"], hp["hidden_dim"], softplus), Dense(hp["hidden_dim"], hp["n_states"], tanh))
diffusion = Dense(hp["n_states"], hp["n_states"], sigmoid)
dynamics = SDE(drift, drift_aug, diffusion, EulerHeun(), dt=0.1)
obs_decoder = MLP_Decoder(hp["n_states"], obs_dim, hp["hidden_dim"], 1, "Poisson")
ctrl_encoder, ctrl_decoder = NoOpLayer(), NoOpLayer()
model = LatentUDE(obs_encoder, ctrl_encoder, dynamics, obs_decoder, ctrl_decoder, dev)
If you use this package in your research, please cite the following paper:
title={Universal Differential Equations as a Common Modeling Language for Neuroscience},
author={ElGazzar, Ahmed and van Gerven, Marcel},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2403.14510},