I started working in the software industry when I was 16 years old, I found my way to join a local publicity studio from a member of a friend's family, at the same time I was studying in high school. I created their website and then started designing their client's corporate websites, of course, the clients never knew the person behind it was me at 16 years old. It was funny and productive since I could focus on doing things without having to interact with clients since at that time obviously, I didn't even know how to do it. In those days I learned Front-end, Back-end, and the basics of server configurations since I got to do everything, also the UI design.
I’m a Software designer mostly focused on Front-end technologies like Angular and Svelte, Back-end with Node, Python, and MySql. Currently working in FundRE and a few personal projects. Before that, I worked for Perficient, Envada, and Globant. 10+ years of experience in software development.
Some tech information about me:
~/Projects/personal/elias89 ················································· Oct 22, 2021 - 19:30:00
❯ tree
├── Front-end
│ ├── Angular
│ ├── Svelte
│ ├── ES6
│ ├── Typescript
│ ├── RxJS
│ ├── Material design
│ ├── Jasmine
│ ├── Jest
│ └── Cypress
├── Back-end
│ ├── Node
│ ├── PHP
│ ├── Python
│ └── MySql
└── OS
└── Linux💛
My profile/tool page is also webcli.dev. Its a CMD in the web to explore my profile and some helpful tools.
My of point of view about (Missing ones coming soon):
- Open source technologies.
- Less people
- Privacy.
- Less social media.
- User interfaces
Some tools I use every day and you might like:
- Brave: A secure and private browser.
- VSCodium: If you don't want to be tracked by Mi---soft and all their telemetry layer and if you respect your own privacy you can use VSCodium which is the project in which VSCode is based on and is open source & free.
- VIM: You can use VIM as well as code editor or at least as the default terminal text editor.
- ZSH: Bring some great features to your terminal. Then you can check ohmyz
- Tmux: If you really use your terminal, multiplex it using Tmux.
I find these people pretty inspirational, here you have:
Adam Savage Maker
Adrian Newey F1 Engineer & Designer
Rich Harris Creator of SvelteJs
Greg Kroah-Hartman Main Linux Kernel maintainer