elifecleaner 0.74.0
Added: block.graphic_href_list()
, collect a list of xlink:href values of graphic tags from the index_groups, based on existing code which can be reused
Removed / moved: fig.inf_file_identifier()
, moved to utils.inf_file_identifier()
Modified: fig.inline_graphic_hrefs()
, calls block.graphic_href_list()
, will be fully compatible
Added: table.table_file_name()
, from inf file name create a new table file name
Added: table.table_inline_graphic_hrefs()
, get inline-graphic href values to be converted to <table-wrap>
Modified: table.transform_table_group()
, will generate a new file name for a graphic file in a <table-wrap>
Added / moved: utils.inf_file_identifier()
, moved from fig.inf_file_identifier()
Code merged in PR #177