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@josevalim josevalim released this 02 Nov 09:30


  • [Code] Eval now returns variables from other contexts
  • [Dict] Document and enforce all dicts use the match operator (===) when checking for keys
  • [Enum] Add Enum.slice/2 with a range
  • [Enum] Document and enforce Enum.member?/2 to use the match operator (===)
  • [IEx] Split IEx.Evaluator from IEx.Server to allow custom evaluators
  • [IEx] Add support for IEx.pry which halts a given process for inspection
  • [IO] Add specs and allow some IO APIs to receive any data that implements String.Chars
  • [Kernel] Improve stacktraces on command line interfaces
  • [Kernel] Sigils can now handle balanced tokens as in %s(f(o)o)
  • [Kernel] Emit warnings when an alias is not used
  • [Macro] Add Macro.pipe/3 and Macro.unpipe/1 for building pipelines
  • [Mix] Allow umbrella children to share dependencies between them
  • [Mix] Allow mix to be escriptize'd
  • [Mix] Speed mix projects compilation by relying on more manifests information
  • [Protocol] Protocols now provide impl_for/1 and impl_for!/1 functions which receive a structure and returns its respective implementation, otherwise returns nil or an error
  • [Set] Document and enforce all sets use the match operator (===) when checking for keys
  • [String] Update to Unicode 6.3.0
  • [String] Add String.slice/2 with a range

Bug fixes

  • [Exception] Ensure defexception fields can be set dynamically
  • [Kernel] Guarantee aliases hygiene is respected when the current module name is not known upfront
  • [Kernel] Kernel.access/2 no longer flattens lists
  • [Mix] Ensure cyclic dependencies are properly handled
  • [String] Implement the extended grapheme cluster algorithm for String operations


  • [Kernel] pid_to_list/1, list_to_pid/1, binary_to_atom/2, binary_to_existing_atom/2 and atom_to_binary/2 are deprecated in favor of their counterparts in the :erlang module
  • [Kernel] insert_elem/3 and delete_elem/2 are deprecated in favor of Tuple.insert_at/3 and Tuple.delete_at/2
  • [Kernel] Use of in inside matches (as in x in [1,2,3] -> x) is deprecated in favor of the guard syntax (x when x in [1,2,3])
  • [Macro] Macro.expand_all/2 is deprecated
  • [Protocol] @only and @except in protocols are now deprecated
  • [Protocol] Protocols no longer fallback to Any out of the box (this functionality needs to be explicitly enabled by setting @fallback_to_any to true)
  • [String] String.to_integer/1 and String.to_float/1 are deprecated in favor of Integer.parse/1 and Float.parse/1

Backwards incompatible changes

  • [CLI] Reading .elixirrc has been dropped in favor of setting env vars
  • [Kernel] Kernel.access/2 now expects the second argument to be a compile time list
  • [Kernel] fn -> end quoted expression is no longer wrapped in a do keyword
  • [Kernel] Quoted variables from the same module must be explicitly shared. Previously, if a function returned quote do: a = 1, another function from the same module could access it as quote do: a. This has been fixed and the variables must be explicitly shared with var!(a, __MODULE__)
  • [Mix] Umbrella apps now treat children apps as dependencies. This means all dependencies will be checked out in the umbrela deps directory. On upgrade, child apps need to point to the umbrella project by setting deps_path: "../../deps_path", lockfile: "../../mix.lock" in their project config
  • [Process] Process.group_leader/2 args have been reversed so the "subject" comes first
  • [Protocol] Protocol no longer dispatches to Number, but to Integer and Float