A project I created for OOP subject at Warsaw University of Technology. I used C++ and OpenGL. The program loads all objects defined by user from external text files. After launching the simulation, the program creates a new window and renders a map. During runtime user can move the camera and control the time scaling. Simulator uses OpenGL to render graphics and depending on OS it uses WinAPI or X11 to handle UI.
This program should work on Windows, Linux and macOS machines (Linux and macOS must support X11).
I included a Makefile which works on my Ubuntu 16.04 and macOS (with installed XQuartz). On Windows side I used a Code::Blocks project. Use C++11 (-std=c++11) on all operating systems. Remember to define a _WIN32 symbol (-D_WIN32) when building on Windows.
Structure of the map is similar to a graph - intersections are vertices and streets connect them like edges. There are also garages which produce new vehicles (cars or buses). Garages are connected directly with intersections. There are two types of intersections - with and without lights.
Program should load two files created by user before starting a simulation - one for defining road objects and the second for defining right of way at intersections. Example files are included in this repo.
This file contains information about all objects (without vehicles) which exist in the simulation. Each line of text defines a single object (empty lines are allowed). The first word of the line tells a type of the creating object and the second is its name in the program. Each name must be unique. This file is being loaded by method loadRoad(file_name). Capitalisation of the type (1st param) does not matter.
1st param - type of object
2nd param - unique name
1st param - type - CR or CROSS or IN or INTERSECTION
2nd param - name
3rd, 4th, 5th param - position in 3D (x, y, z, where y is vertical)
Example: CR S1 -2 0 2
Other parameters are the same as in intersections.
Example: CL L1 -6 0 -6
1st param - type - ST or STREET
2nd param - name
3rd, 4th param - names of intersections, which will be connected by this street (in sequence: beginning and end)
Example: ST D1 S1 S2
1st param - type - GA or GARAGE
2nd param - name
3rd param - type of created objects:
C or CAR for cars
B or BUS for buses
4th param - name of the intersection which will be connected with this garage
5th, 6th, 7th param - position in 3D (x, y, z, where y is vertical)
8th param - time in seconds - how often a new vehicle will be created
9th param - max number of vehicles created by this garage that could exist on map (added because too big number of vehicles could block the whole map - everyone can't make a turn due to lack of free space)
Example: GA G1 C S1 -2 0 4 5 25
When creating a new object referring to another object, this second object must be defined before the first one. Suggested (but not required) order of defining objects: intersections and then streets and garages.
This file should contain right of way for each intersection. If there is no right of way for certain intersections, it will set randomly. Each line of text is a single right of way (empty lines are allowed). A file is being loaded by method loadRightOfWay(file_name). Given streets of certain intersection must be in a counterclockwise order. When defining intersection with 3 streets, start with the street which is the "stem of T".
1st param - name of intersection 2nd param - number of streets at this intersection Next parameters - names of streets (including garages) in counterclockwise order
In case of any errors while reding a file or loading an object, the Objectsloader will throw an appropriate exception and will display a message in standard output.
Copyright © Robert Dudzinski 2018