Undergraduate Course Work from Public Health 490KR Epidemiologic Data Management & Analysis, Taught by Professor Katherine W. Reeves, PhD, MPH
Course taken Spring Semester 2018
Students will develop fundamental skills in epidemiologic research, including data management, data analysis, and interpretation of results
A major emphasis of the course will be to provide students with practical experience in analyzing research datasets using both Stata and SAS
Course Objectives: At the end of this course, students will be able to:
- 1) Plan, organize, and document data management and analysis tasks to obtain reproducible results - 2) Appropriately clean and label epidemiologic datasets using Stata and SAS - 3) Calculate basic descriptive statistics using Stata and SAS - 4) Calculate relative risks and odds ratios using Stata and SAS
- CEPH Outcome Competencies: This course educates students in the following Council for Education in Public Health (CEPH) outcome competencies:
- Analyze data using appropriate epidemiologic and biostatistical techniques; Use computer software for data processing and statistical analyses
Required Texts
- Acock, AC. A Gentle Introduction to Stata. (4 ed). StataCorp LP, 2014.
- Delwiche, L. The Little SAS Book: A Primer. (5th ed). SAS Institute Inc. 2012.
Introduction to Epidemiologic Data Management & Analysis
- Data Management 1: Survey Design
- Data Management 2: Creating and Documenting Datasets
Module 1: Programming in Stata
Introduction to Stata; Organizing and Documenting Your Work
- HW 1 Assigned
Stata Data Cleaning 1: Labeling Variables and Their Values
Stata Data Cleaning 2: Identifying and Addressing Errors
Stata Data Cleaning 3: Creating New Variables
- HW 2 Assigned
Stata Data Cleaning 4: Creating New Variables (continued)
Stata Work Session 1
Stata Data Analysis 1: Descriptive Statistics
- HW 3 Assigned
Stata Data Analysis 2: Odds Ratios & Relative Risk
- Exam 1
Module 2: Programming in SAS
Introduction to SAS
SAS Data Cleaning 1: Labeling Variables and Their Values
- HW 4 Assigned
SAS Data Cleaning 2: Identifying and Addressing Errors
SAS Data Cleaning 3: Creating New Variables
SAS Work Session 1
- HW 5 Assigned
SAS Data Analysis 1: Descriptive Statistics
SAS Data Analysis 2: Odds Ratios & Relative Risk
SAS Work Session 2
- Exam 2
Group Project Presentations