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Graph Mining on California Road Network


The purpose of thiw project is to model the dataset California road network. The project is developed with the use of Neo4j, a highly scalable, native graph database purpose-built to leverage not only data but also its relationships.

The analysis is based on the data files that can be downloaded from the following link:

Particularly, the files contain information about the roads, crossroads and points of interest of the state. The main goal is to design an appropriate property graph with the necessary entities, labels, types and properties, in order to represent all network components as a set of nodes and edges. Cypher queries are also provided to answer the most important questions.

Model description

Neo4j stores data as nodes and relationships, where relationships connect two different nodes to each other. Nodes can have labels that assign roles to them, while relationships can have types that define the kind of connection they represent. Both entities can have a variety of properties. In the current dataset, the following files are provided:

  • Cal.cnode: Contains information about the crossroads of California’s road network, represented as nodes (NodeID and corresponding coordinates).
  • Cal.cedge: Contains information about the roads that join two crossroads together (EdgeID, Start/End NodeID, Road length).
  • CA: Contains information regarding California’s points of interest, also called POIs (CategoryID and corresponding coordinates).
  • calmap: Contains information that are used to connect points of interest to roads (For edges: Start/End NodeID, Number of POIs on the edge, Edge length. For POIs: CategoryID, Distance from edge’s start node).

From the above structure, the following property graph was designed:

Property Data Model

  • Crossroads are represented as nodes with label “Crossroad”, and have three properties: their unique identifier (i.e. NodeID), as well as their detailed coordinates (Longitude, Latitude).
  • Roads represent the existence of connection between two crossroads, hence they are depicted as relationships with type “Road”. They have three properties: their unique identifier (i.e. EdgeID), their length (i.e. Length), as well as the number of POIs that are located on them (i.e. NumPOI).
  • POIs are represented by their category only as nodes with label “POI”, that have two properties: their unique id and name (i.e. CategoryID, CategoryName).
  • POIs are connected to the starting crossroad of the road they belong to via a relationship of type “Location”. These relationships have two properties: the id of the ending crossroad of the road they belong to (i.e. EndNodeID), as well as the distance from the starting crossroad (i.e. DistanceFromStartNode).

Data Transformation

Each of the downloaded files was transformed in order to get a form suitable for importing into the Neo4j database. The details of the transformation follow.

  • Nodes & Edges: In the sections B & C of the script, both files were converted into CSV format with the addition of commas as delimiter and column headings.

  • Poi_n: In the section D, the category file is transformed so that it includes information about the correspondence between the unique category names and ids among all POIs. Again the CSV format was adopted and the corresponding headings for each column were added.

  • Poi_e & no_poi: The transformation of the poi_e is implemented in the section E of the script. The actions taken during this process include:

    • Removal of edges that correspond to roads with no points of interest, since this information was redundant.
    • Each of the POIs was linked to the Start and End Node of the road it belongs to, so that each line of the file corresponds to a single point of interest.
    • The last step includes addition of the corresponding headings (startnode, endnode, categoryid, distancefromstart) and CSV formatting.

During the poi_e construction another file, namely no_poi, was also produced which includes the number of points between each start and end node along with the information about the road length (Section F).

Data Loading

Upon completion of the data preprocessing phase, the produced CSV files were imported into the Neo4j database using the commands that are listed below.

Creation of nodes with label Crossroad

The following code was used to create the nodes that represent the crossroads from the “nodes.csv” file. Furthermore, a unique constraint was added on the “NodeID” attribute, in order to ensure both existence and uniqueness of this property in each node.

LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM "file:///nodes.csv" AS node WITH node
CREATE (p:Crossroad { NodeID: toInt(node.NodeID), Longitude: toFloat(node.Longitude), Latitude: toFloat(node.Latitude) });

Creation of edges with type Road

For the creation of the relationships that represent the roads of the network, information from the “edges.csv” file was imported. It should be noted that property “NumPOI” is also initialized to zero since it will be further updated during the next step. For efficiency in query execution performance a periodic commit was implemented.

LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM "file:///edges.csv" AS road
MATCH (startnode:Crossroad { NodeID: toInt(road.startnodeid)})
MATCH (endnode:Crossroad { NodeID: toInt(road.endnodeid)})
CREATE (startnode)-[:Road { EdgeID: toInt(road.edgeid), Length: toFloat(road.l2distance), NumPOI: 0 }]->(endnode);

As mentioned above, the property “NumPOI” was further updated with the use of the “no_poi.csv” file and the following code:

LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM "file:///no_poi.csv" AS road
MATCH (startnode:Crossroad { NodeID: toInt(road.startnode)}) -[r:Road] -> (endnode:Crossroad { NodeID: toInt(road.endnode)})
SET r.NumPOI = toInt(road.nopoi);

Creation of nodes with label POI

The poi_n.csv file was imported in order to create this group on nodes. In addition, unique constraints on both Category Name and Category ID properties were added.

LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM "file:///poi_n.csv" AS poi WITH poi
CREATE (p:POI { CategoryID: toInt(poi.categoryid), CategoryName:(poi.categoryname) });


Creation of edges with type Location

The following code was used to create the edges with type “Location” from the “poi_e.csv” file. For efficiency in query execution performance a periodic commit was implemented.

LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM "file:///poi_e.csv" AS loc
MATCH (node_C:Crossroad { NodeID: toInt(loc.startnode)})
MATCH (node_P:POI { CategoryID: toInt(loc.categoryid)})
CREATE (node_C)-[:Location { EndNodeID: toInt(loc.endnode), DistanceFromStartNode: toFloat(loc.distancefromstart) }]->(node_P);


Modelling and quering of California Road Network using Neo4j







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