Secure your laravel API with Google Firebase Auth
Adding the Middleware to your API will ensure that access is granted only using a valid Bearer Token issues by Goggle Firebase Auth.
composer require csrui/laravel-firebase-auth
Publish the package's config.
php artisan vendor:publish
This will add a firebase.php config file where you need to add you Firebase Project ID.
There are two ways to use this.
Add the Middleware on your Kernel.php file.
Add the Service Provider to your config/app.php
Register your new Guard on you AuthServiceProvider.php
$this->app['auth']->viaRequest('firebase', function ($request) {
return app(\csrui\LaravelFirebaseAuth\Guard::class)->user($request);
Now on you auth.php configure you Guard driver to 'firebase'.
'providers' => [
'users' => [
'driver' => 'firebase',
'model' => \csrui\LaravelFirebaseAuth\User::class,
TODO: Improve examples
Feel free to open issues and provide feedback.