- Syntax highlight
The original intent of this project was to note down the syntax and basic conceptes of Javascript for personal use, also used as a syllabus for teaching at the same time. The effectiveness of using a Mind map diagram to summarize a programming language is totally unexpected, it looks like a catalogue of handbook talking about Javascript and filled with syntax details. With a single picture/file, Javascript programmers can not only have a overview of the whole picture of this language, but also could locate to practical syntax examples ASAP.
The original mindmap diagram is drawn with Mindnode and exported to PDF/PNG/OPML files along with a *.mm
file which can be edited with FreeMind, another SVG file will be released after the whole project is finished(issues #9).
In addition to Javascript, Python3 & Golang versions are on the way! If you find this project helpful, please consider making a donation with bitcoin or other way 🍻
- Python3 in one pic
- Go in one pic (in preparation)
- Function(basic) - inside function: arguments, return;
- Function - as value: callback;
- Function - methods: apply/call/bind;
- Array - methods: map/reduce;
- Object(OOP) - constructor, properties;
- Object(OOP) - inheritance;
- Scope;
- Function - recursion, closures
- Operators - bitwise;
- Flow control - try/catch;
- Tips;
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