翻墙工具套件 A firewall circumvention toolkit
- GAE proxy, 稳定、易用、快速
A stable, ease-of-use and fast proxy based on GAE - Web界面,人性化交互
Friendly web UI
测试版(Test): https://codeload.github.com/XX-net/XX-Net/zip/2.8.2
稳定版(Stable): https://codeload.github.com/XX-net/XX-Net/zip/2.7.3
懒人集成浏览器版(Easy Browser Bundle): https://github.com/yeahwu/chrome-xx
更新历史(Update history):https://github.com/XX-net/XX-Net/wiki/更新历史
- Windows 7/8/10 (XP 需要 [tcpip.sys补丁] ( https://github.com/yeahwu/wu/raw/master/WindowsXP-TCPIP-concurrency-count-patch.rar) , 将数量调节到2014. )Win10 存在声音卡的问题。XP needs the patch linked above. Adjust the count to 2014. There exists an audio bug on Windows 10.
- Linux
- Mac OS X(10.7; 10.8; 10.9; 10.10; 10.11)
- 英语English (en_US)
- 简体中文Simplified Chinese (zh_CN)
- 波斯语Persian (fa_IR)
问题报告(Report a bug): | https://github.com/XX-net/XX-Net/issues |
讨论群(Discussion forum): | https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/xx-net |
- ChromeGAE
主页(Main page):http://www.ccav1.com/chromegae
集成Google Chrome和XX-Net的自动翻墙浏览器(An automatic comobo of Google Chrome browser and XX-Net)
维护人(Maintainer):Yanu - 集成Chrome和XX-Net (XX-Net-integrated Chrome)
https://github.com/yeahwu/chrome-xx - plusburg
主页(Main page):https://github.com/Plusburg/Plusburg
集成XX-Net的启动光盘镜像 (XX-Net-integrated bootable CD image) - appifed-xx-net
Mac OS X 环境下,变成一个标准的Mac应用(A standard Mac app on Mac OS X) - ComodoDragonPortable: 为XX-Net和Lantern定制的便携浏览器(A customized portable browser for XX-Net & Lantern)
仅支持Windows,心系安全(Windows-only, focusing on security)