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	Project Name:  Simple_cf_toolkit

#About the project:

this project takes 2 username of codeforces users. It prints selected user's participated contest statistics and also compares contest statistics between two users.

this project mainly contains 2 pages: homepage.html and compare.php


the 'homepage.html' file refers to the link of the page compare.php located in "simple_cf_toolkit/php/compare.php" which actually compares and shows comparison between two codeforces user's contest statistics


this page takes two user's username(in codeforces it is called handle) as input some codeforces usernames for example: onirban, flash_7, dragoon, nfssdq, other codeforces usenames can be found here:

if any of the two username is invalid , it shows exception, otherwise it establish database connection using DB_Connection.php file located in "simple_cf_toolkit/php/DB_Connection.php"

#About the input data: I used the codeforces API to get the json data of my desired property


to get the json format data of a particular user's contests, I used URL of the floowing format: "" example:

to get the json data using PHP code, I used PHP function file_get_contents() and to get the json data in PHP array format I used json_decode


after I got the response "OK" for two users using file_get_contents() and json_decode() I established database connection. I used PHP Data Object (PDO) for mysql database connection and manipulate data in sql. there are two tables in the database: user1_contests and user2_contests each of the table contains following entities: (contestId,contestName,rank,oldRating, newRating)

the rows in the database are filled from the data wchich is stored in an array after getting response using file_get_contents() and json_decode()

#other useful links: all the links that helped me to build this project is included in the file "useful_links_for_cf_toolkit_copy.txt"

#Upcoming and future plans related to this project:

Since some method are unavailable to get the json data directly for some property, and also little knowledge about API's I could not Implement some feature till now. I am working on some feature like comparing solved problems of each catagory, strong and weak areas of two users . I am also interested to predict the rating of a particular user in the next contest based on the past submissions and contest data of that user if possible


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