A Gradle Plugin providing a task to generate entity models out from ALM Octane installation
You can generate entities based on your server's metadata using the eu.emundo.octane
This plugin connects to your ALM Octane server using the given authentication credentials, shared space and work space
and generates strongly typed entities that can be used instead of the generic out of the box entity that comes
with the SDK1.
For more see MicroFocus/ALMOctaneJavaRESTSDK
plugins {
id "eu.emundo.octane.generator" version "1.3.5"
octane {
generatedSourcesDirectory = file("$buildDir/generated-sources/")
clientId = 'Super duper clientId'
clientSecret = 'Top secret clientSecret'
server = 'http[s]://server[:port]'
sharedSpace = SSID
workSpace = WSID
sourceSets {
java.srcDir "${buildDir}/generated-sources/"
compileGeneratedJava {
classpath = configurations.compile
source += sourceSets.generated.java
We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details