This repository contains the source code for Astha Prajapati's personal portfolio. The portfolio showcases Astha's skills, projects, and experiences in the field of Computer Science and Engineering.
- Introduction: A brief about Astha Prajapati, her educational background, and her interests.
- Projects: A showcase of Astha's notable projects, including a Project Management System and React-based landing pages.
- Technologies & Skills: A detailed list of technologies and tools Astha is familiar with, including Web Development, Web Design, and Programming languages.
- ReactJS: Used for building the user interface.
- TailwindCSS: A utility-first CSS framework used for styling.
- Netlify: The platform where the portfolio is hosted.
- Clone the repository:
- Navigate to the project directory:
- Install dependencies:
- Start the development server:
Feel free to fork this repository, make changes, and submit pull requests. Any contributions to enhance the portfolio are welcome!
This project is open-source and available under the MIT License.