Closed Jan 7, 2025
100% complete
release note (draft)
Release 1.4.9
* Separate patch processing within ``_com_interface_meta`` into a module. By @junkmd.
* Replace ``Literal`` and ``Protocol`` with runtime-referable symbols. By @junkmd.
* Refactor from ``%`` string formatting to f-strings in many modules. By @newwingbird.
* Refactor from ``%`` string formatting to f-strin…
release note (draft)
Release 1.4.9
* Separate patch processing within ``_com_interface_meta`` into a module. By @junkmd.
* Replace ``Literal`` and ``Protocol`` with runtime-referable symbols. By @junkmd.
* Refactor from ``%`` string formatting to f-strings in many modules. By @newwingbird.
* Refactor from ``%`` string formatting to f-strings in ``_post_coinit.unknwn``. By @junkmd.
* Remove the script entry point in ``comtypes.shelllink``. By @cosmastech.
* Move the modules that define IDL stuff and ``instancemethod``. By @junkmd.
* Allow the definition of the ``_midlSAFEARRAY(HRESULT)`` type. By @davidschranz.
* Split ``server/w_getopt.py`` into production code and test code. By @junkmd.
* Add docstrings to the module defining the ``GUID`` symbol. By @junkmd.
* Fix broken unregistration of 64bit type libraries. By @forderud.
* Replace alias definitions with ``ctypes.wintypes`` imports. By @fmtabler.
* Revive ``pywin32`` related tests. By @junkmd.
* Revive comserver related tests. By @junkmd.
* Separate the part that creates entries from ``server.register.Registrar`` and refactor it. By @junkmd.
* Add ``Test_Registrar_...``. By @junkmd.
* Many typing improvements. By @junkmd.
* Separate ``vtbl`` creation within ``_comobject`` into a module. By @junkmd.
* Migrate the documentation from PythonHosted to ReadTheDocs. By @junkmd.