This repository serves as a reference for our coding standards. You can read the common section, or jump to language specific pages.
This answers generic questions regardless of language or technology.
- Tabs or Spaces?
- Maximum Line Length
- Blank Lines
- Trailing Whitespace
- Encoding
- Naming Conventions
- Annotations
Use spaces only, with 2 spaces per indentation level. Never mix tabs and spaces.
Limit all lines to a maximum of 100 characters. Going over the limit is tolerated, but frowned upon. Please try to avoid it.
Separate top-level function and class definitions with a single blank line.
Separate method definitions inside of a class with a single blank line.
Use a single blank line within the bodies of methods or functions in cases where this improves readability (e.g., for the purpose of delineating logical sections).
Do not leave trailing whitespaces. Use plugins to highlight that for you.
UTF-8 is the source file encoding.
Use annotations when necessary to describe a specific action that must be taken against the indicated block of code.
Write the annotation on the line immediately above the code that the annotation is describing.
The annotation keyword should be followed by a colon and a space, and a descriptive note.
// FIXME: The client's current state should *not* affect payload processing.
If multiple lines are required by the description, indent subsequent lines to match the text offset:
// TODO: Ensure that the value returned by this call falls within a certain
// range, or throw an exception.
Annotation types:
: describe missing functionality that should be added at a later dateFIXME
: describe broken code that must be fixedREVIEW
: describe code that should be reviewed to confirm implementation
If a custom annotation is required, the annotation should be documented in the project's README.