summary | prerequisites | setup | resources | license
Info | |
When | Wednesday, February 16 • 16:00-17:00 pm PST |
Video | TBA |
conda environment | aem_plot |
Slides | AEM Plot presentation |
- Some knowledge of Python is assumed.
- All coding will be done in Jupyter notebooks. I'll explain how they work briefly but it will help if you've used them before.
- We'll use numpy, matplotlib, and ipywidgets You don't need to be an expert in these tools but some familiarity will help.
- For 3D visualizations, we will use Paraview and Leapfrog
Airborne Electromagnetic Mehtod
- AEM (Airborne Electromagnetic Method) is an effective methodology to image hydrogeology of the subsurface in a large area.
- For further details about the AEM method see: AEM method
- As a motivating example, we will use a resistivity model from Kaweah Subbasin located in the Central Valley of California, USA.
There are a few things you'll need to follow the tutorial:
- A working Python installation (Anaconda or Miniconda)
- The SimPEG conda environment installed
- A web browser that works with Jupyter (basically anything except Internet Explorer)
To get things setup, please do the following.
Windows users: When you see "terminal" in the instructions, this means the "Anaconda Prompt" program for you.
Follow the general instructions for installing Anaconda:
This will get you a working Python 3 installation with the conda
manager. If you already have one, you can skip this step.
To access the notebooks, you need to use git to clone this repository
To clone this repository, open up a terminal and navigate to where you want this repository stored on your computer.
Then run
git clone
to clone the repository, and cd
into the aem_plot
cd aem_plot
From inside of the aem_plot
repository, create the aem_plot
conda environment
conda env create -f environment.yml
and activate the environment
conda activate aem_plot
git clone
to clone the repository, and cd
into the simpeg
cd simpeg
switch to an em1d_updates
git checkout -f em1d_updates
then install SimPEG.
python install
Once you have activated the conda environment, you can launch the notebooks
jupyter notebook
Jupyter will then launch in your web-browser.
If you are able to open any one of the notebooks and run the first cell, then you should be good to go!
All code and text in this repository is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the MIT License. A copy of this license is provided in LICENSE.