The aim of this project is to communicate and control a TURTLEBOT 2 over a local WiFi network. There are two parts to this project, the physical part where we utilise the Turtlebot, by using Kobuki Node in ROS1. The simulated part uses the same code but along with Gazebo Garden.
A Docker stack contains the following:
- recieves perceptions from either a physical robot or a simulated one (robot
), uses logic to generate commands and sends them back over a redis channelrobot
- a ROS1 package used on the robot to recieve topics from Kobuki Node, and converts them and sends them over a Redis channel. (robot
can also be used in simulated mode over Docker)redis
- used as the Redis server in the simulated version only, in the physical version, the robot has a redis server running on it.
Make sure you have docker & docker-compose installed
βοΈ Simulated Version
Check the
in the.env
file (Should beredis
for the simulated redis environment) -
Uncomment everything below
# # For simulated version
in thedocker-compose.yml
file. -
Navigate to
and change#!/usr/bin/env python
to#!/usr/bin/env python3
(Very first line of the file) -
Run the master from your computer
docker-compose up
(Might take a little while on the first run)
π€ Physical Version
Check the
in the.env
file (Should be192.168.0.107
for the robot) -
Copy over the files (From your local machine):
rsync -av ./robot/* ubuntu@
SSH into the robot and run the setup script (From the robot):
- (Windows):
cd /home/ubuntu/catkin_make_ws/src/pub_sub_testing && dos2unix && bash
- (Mac & Linux):
cd /home/ubuntu/catkin_make_ws/src/pub_sub_testing && bash
- (Windows):
Open up four shells in the robot and run the following:
roslaunch kobuki_node minimal.launch --screen
roslaunch kobuki_keyop safe_keyop.launch --screen
roslaunch astra_launch astra.launch
roslaunch pub_sub_testing pub_sub_testing.launch
Run the master from your computer
docker-compose up
(Might take a little while on the first run)
If you want to shell into a particular container for debugging purposes, you can run the following command:
docker exec -it [container-name] bash
docker exec -it robotics-assignment-ros1-1 bash
If you want to test messages going from ROS1
through the system and back, you can run (From ROS1
container OR Robot)
rostopic pub /debug/percept std_msgs/String "Hello"
If you want to test a simulated image transfer & processing, spin up the workspace in Simulated Mode, and shell into the master:
docker exec -it robotics-assignment-master-1 bash
Navigate to the src
folder and run the
cd src && python
This will send an image over a Redis HSet, exactly how the physical version would.
This section contains a deployment diagram of the current system architecture between the Physical Robot and Docker
ros_1_listener: ROS1
kobuki_node: Kobuki Node
channel: Channel
hash_set: Hash Set
virtual_body: Virtual Body
main: Main Thread
cleanup: Cleanup Thread
check_redis: Check Redis
image_old: Image older than 5s
remove: Remove Image
process_image: Process Image
convert_to_cmd: Convert to Command
send_command: Send Command
state image_exists <<choice>>
state Robot {
state cleanup {
[*] --> check_redis
check_redis --> hash_set
hash_set --> image_old
image_old --> image_exists: yes
image_old --> [*]: no
image_exists --> remove
remove --> [*]
state main {
kobuki_node --> ros_1_listener
ros_1_listener --> hash_set: base64 Image
ros_1_listener --> channel: Image ID
state Redis {
Robot --> Docker: Local Network
state Docker {
state Master {
[*] --> virtual_body
virtual_body --> Yolov5
Yolov5 --> send_command
send_command --> [*]
state Yolov5 {
[*] --> process_image
process_image --> convert_to_cmd
convert_to_cmd --> [*]
Deployment Diagram
Since the Physical robot's dated software can only run ROS1
, we set up a ROS1
container that can listen and talk to the robot, the ROS1
container sends the information it receives to ROS2
over a Bridge, which allows bidirectional communication between ROS1
and ROS2
The procedure of finding people and following the first recognized person:
state human_detected_if_state <<choice>>
state outside_center_if_state <<choice>>
state away_robot_if_state <<choice>>
state full_rotation_if_state <<choice>>
state act_if_state <<choice>>
state join_state <<join>>
human_detected: Human Detected?
rotate: Rotate
full_rotation: Full Rotation
get_id: Get ID
get_coords: Get Coordinates
outside_center: Outside center?
away_robot: Away from Robot?
adjust_rotation: Adjust Rotation
move_forward: Move Forward
sleep: Sleep
[*] --> Scan
state Scan {
[*] --> human_detected
human_detected --> human_detected_if_state
human_detected_if_state --> [*] : yes
human_detected_if_state --> rotate: no
rotate --> human_detected
rotate --> full_rotation
full_rotation --> full_rotation_if_state
full_rotation_if_state --> sleep: yes
full_rotation_if_state --> rotate: no
sleep --> rotate
Scan --> Detect
state Detect {
[*] --> get_id
get_id --> get_id: for each person
get_id --> get_coords: lowest ID
get_coords --> [*]
Detect --> Act: coordinates
state Act {
[*] --> act_if_state: position
act_if_state --> outside_center
act_if_state --> away_robot
outside_center --> outside_center_if_state
outside_center_if_state --> adjust_rotation: yes
adjust_rotation --> outside_center
outside_center_if_state --> join_state: no
away_robot --> away_robot_if_state
away_robot_if_state --> join_state: no
away_robot_if_state --> move_forward: yes
join_state --> [*]
Act --> Scan
State Diagram
The following topics are available when running Kobuki Node:
Topic | Message Type |
/camera/depth/image | [sensor_msgs/Image] |
/camera/rgb/image_raw | [sensor_msgs/Image] |
/camera/depth_registered/sw_registered/image_rect | [sensor_msgs/Image] |
/camera/depth_registered/points | [sensor_msgs/PointCloud2] |
/cmd_vel_mux/parameter_descriptions | [dynamic_reconfigure/ConfigDescription] |
/mobile_base/events/robot_state | [kobuki_msgs/RobotStateEvent] |
/mobile_base/debug/raw_data_stream | [std_msgs/String] |
/tf | [tf2_msgs/TFMessage] |
/odom | [nav_msgs/Odometry] |
/camera/depth/image_raw | [sensor_msgs/Image] |
/mobile_base/sensors/core | [kobuki_msgs/SensorState] |
/camera/rgb_rectify_color/parameter_updates | [dynamic_reconfigure/Config] |
/camera/depth_registered/camera_info | [sensor_msgs/CameraInfo] |
/camera/camera_nodelet_manager/bond | [bond/Status] |
/camera/depth/camera_info | [sensor_msgs/CameraInfo] |
/keyop_vel_smoother/parameter_updates | [dynamic_reconfigure/Config] |
/mobile_base/events/button | [kobuki_msgs/ButtonEvent] |
/camera/depth/image_rect | [sensor_msgs/Image] |
/camera/projector/camera_info | [sensor_msgs/CameraInfo] |
/camera/rgb/camera_info | [sensor_msgs/CameraInfo] |
/keyop_vel_smoother/parameter_descriptions | [dynamic_reconfigure/ConfigDescription] |
/mobile_base/events/power_system | [kobuki_msgs/PowerSystemEvent] |
/camera/depth_rectify_depth/parameter_updates | [dynamic_reconfigure/Config] |
/cmd_vel_mux/active | [std_msgs/String] |
/diagnostics | [diagnostic_msgs/DiagnosticArray] |
/cmd_vel_mux/parameter_updates | [dynamic_reconfigure/Config] |
/mobile_base/events/digital_input | [kobuki_msgs/DigitalInputEvent] |
/cmd_vel_mux/safety_controller | [geometry_msgs/Twist] |
/camera/depth_registered/image_raw | [sensor_msgs/Image] |
/mobile_base/events/wheel_drop | [kobuki_msgs/WheelDropEvent] |
/camera/depth_registered/sw_registered/camera_info | [sensor_msgs/CameraInfo] |
/mobile_base/debug/raw_control_command | [std_msgs/Int16MultiArray] |
/joint_states | [sensor_msgs/JointState] |
/rosout | [rosgraph_msgs/Log] |
/mobile_base/debug/raw_data_command | [std_msgs/String] |
/mobile_base/sensors/imu_data_raw | [sensor_msgs/Imu] |
/mobile_base/sensors/dock_ir | [kobuki_msgs/DockInfraRed] |
/rosout_agg | [rosgraph_msgs/Log] |
/camera/driver/parameter_descriptions | [dynamic_reconfigure/ConfigDescription] |
/mobile_base/events/bumper | [kobuki_msgs/BumperEvent] |
/cmd_vel_mux/keyboard_teleop | [geometry_msgs/Twist] |
/mobile_base/commands/velocity | [geometry_msgs/Twist] |
/camera/ir/image | [sensor_msgs/Image] |
/diagnostics_toplevel_state | [diagnostic_msgs/DiagnosticStatus] |
/mobile_base/controller_info | [kobuki_msgs/ControllerInfo] |
/camera/depth_registered/sw_registered/image_rect_raw | [sensor_msgs/Image] |
/mobile_base/commands/motor_power | [kobuki_msgs/MotorPower] |
/mobile_base/events/cliff | [kobuki_msgs/CliffEvent] |
/camera/depth/image_rect_raw | [sensor_msgs/Image] |
/camera/depth_rectify_depth/parameter_descriptions | [dynamic_reconfigure/ConfigDescription] |
/camera/rgb/image_rect_color | [sensor_msgs/Image] |
/keyop_vel_smoother/raw_cmd_vel | [geometry_msgs/Twist] |
/camera/rgb_rectify_color/parameter_descriptions | [dynamic_reconfigure/ConfigDescription] |
/mobile_base/sensors/imu_data | [sensor_msgs/Imu] |
/camera/driver/parameter_updates | [dynamic_reconfigure/Config] |
/mobile_base_nodelet_manager/bond | [bond/Status] |
/camera/ir/camera_info | [sensor_msgs/CameraInfo] |
/mobile_base/version_info | [kobuki_msgs/VersionInfo] |
/camera/depth/points | [sensor_msgs/PointCloud2] |
/diagnostics_agg | [diagnostic_msgs/DiagnosticArray] |
Topic | Message Type |
/tf | [tf2_msgs/TFMessage] |
/odom | [nav_msgs/Odometry] |
/mobile_base/events/wheel_drop | [kobuki_msgs/WheelDropEvent] |
/mobile_base/commands/reset_odometry | [std_msgs/Empty] |
/tf_static | [tf2_msgs/TFMessage] |
/diagnostics | [diagnostic_msgs/DiagnosticArray] |
/cmd_vel_mux/safety_controller | [geometry_msgs/Twist] |
/camera/camera_nodelet_manager/bond | [bond/Status] |
/mobile_base/commands/external_power | [kobuki_msgs/ExternalPower] |
/rosout | [rosgraph_msgs/Log] |
/keyop/teleop | [kobuki_msgs/KeyboardInput] |
/kobuki_safety_controller/disable | [std_msgs/Empty] |
/mobile_base/commands/sound | [kobuki_msgs/Sound] |
/mobile_base/events/bumper | [kobuki_msgs/BumperEvent] |
/cmd_vel_mux/keyboard_teleop | [geometry_msgs/Twist] |
/mobile_base/commands/digital_output | [kobuki_msgs/DigitalOutput] |
/mobile_base/commands/velocity | [geometry_msgs/Twist] |
/mobile_base/commands/led1 | [kobuki_msgs/Led] |
/mobile_base/commands/led2 | [kobuki_msgs/Led] |
/kobuki_safety_controller/enable | [std_msgs/Empty] |
/mobile_base/commands/motor_power | [kobuki_msgs/MotorPower] |
/mobile_base/events/cliff | [kobuki_msgs/CliffEvent] |
/keyop_vel_smoother/raw_cmd_vel | [geometry_msgs/Twist] |
/mobile_base_nodelet_manager/bond | [bond/Status] |
/kobuki_safety_controller/reset | [std_msgs/Empty] |
/mobile_base/commands/controller_info | [kobuki_msgs/ControllerInfo] |