Borrow functions from https://github.com/miyakogi/pyppeteer to download chromium, return the path to the chromium binary, check install.
Install those so that we have a console_script that duplicates the behavior of
clone https://github.com/HyperionGray/trio-chrome-devtools-protocol.git
install using poetry
conda install poetry
poetry update
poetry install
pytest tests
there should be 9 passing tests
run the examples in https://github.com/HyperionGray/trio-chrome-devtools-protocol/tree/master/examples
run examples/try_cdp.py on html generated by paged_html_theme
- njsmith pycon talk
- trio tutorial
- structured concurrency article
- cancellation for humans article
- details on trio
- trio style guidelines
- details on async implementation
- trio discourse page
- trio gitter page