Simple bot protection framework.
Project is in early development stage and It is expected to be API breakage and lots of bugs.
- Flexible rate limiting
- Request precondition validation (user made a request to /api/xxx.html before calling /api/yyy)
- TODO cookie/captcha/redirect/timeout validation
lua_package_path "/path/to/lua-resty-stopbot/lib/?.lua;/path/to/lua-resty-stopbot/lib/?/init.lua;;";
lua_shared_dict test 10m;
init_by_lua_block {
stopbot = require "resty.stopbot" -- global
stopbot.init_storage ("default", "", {
name = "test"
stopbot.init_zone("frontpage", {
access_expires = 300,
stopbot.init_zone("login", {
access_limit = 10,
access_expires = 300,
only_after = {"frontpage"},
server {
location =/ {
access_by_lua_block {
location =/login.php {
access_by_lua_block {
fastcgi_pass ...;
Valdimir Protasov ([email protected])
MIT License