From git repo dir
npm install
I have made some simple changes git clone so that an interval refresh occurs
cd vizceral-example
npm install
npm run copy:fonts
npm run copy:json
From github repo dir
- ./start
Base URL to see viceral
Admin URL
- http://localhost:1880/admin userid: admin password: admin See node-red security on how to change the password
Search Endpoint
The Simple and Complex static data should work right out of the box For elasticsearch you will have to do the following
- For elasticsearch you have to go to the Elasticsearch Flow tab
- edit the ElasticSearch Webservers node and add your ELK and index information
- Then you have to review the Search Webtier node and change to your desire I have all my apache logs parsed for "type: apache" host, respone_code, host_ip(you may have host) vhost field
- WARNING don't change the aggregation bucket names then you will have to modify the Javascript later on, and i can tell you that will be a pain