this package serve as API and UI for Joshua Arabic to English translation service that are build from Joshua Machine Translation ToolKit. for more detail, see
this application assume you have your Joshua service installed and you could call Joshua scripts to complete the translation.
change Joshua/ JOSHUA_SCRIPT_EXECUTABLE and JOSHUA_SCRIPT_FILENAME to reflect your Joshua server setup see conf/ for sample script that take stdin and netcat to Joshua server
following are python dependences that are required to be installed. assuming python 2.7+ is installed.
use pip to install needed component curl "" -o "" python pip install django==1.8 pip install markdown defusedxml pip install lxml pip install dateutil pip install pyyaml pip install django-tastypie
Depends on version of tastypie you have install, you might also need to copy files in patch folder to $Python/dist-packages/tastype folder:
To support UTF8 encoding of result data from API for json format, modify
utils/ to comment out
if format in ('application/json', 'text/javascript'):
return format
or simply copy patch/tastpie/utils/ to $Python/dist-packages/tastype/utils folder.
copy patch/tastpie/ to $Python/dist-packages/tastype/utils if see run time error on
(tastypie>0.12.1 should have fix the issue).
to start Django server, enter: copy Joshua folder to the server where Joshua script is avaialble. cd Joshua python runserver
API is available at http://localhost:80/api/translation/?format=json&orig_text=" " , it also support format=xml http://localhost:80 will return a user interface to enter text in the text area.
to start up django server automatically in centos, install supervisord in centos and put conf/supervisord/django_cms.conf to the include folder. see for detail of how to install and setup supervisor.
for more production configuration, you might want to deploying Django with Apache and mod_wsgi
install mod_wsgi to your Apache server, append your Apache server’s httpd.conf file with conf/apache/httpd.conf file. this assume, you are copying Joshua-web folder to /var/www/ folder.
tested configuration in ubuntu: apt-get install libapache2-mod-wsgi nano /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default
and add following lines just below <VirtualHost *:80>
WSGIDaemonProcess Joshua-web
WSGIProcessGroup Joshua-web
WSGIScriptAlias / /var/www/Joshua-web/conf/apache/django.wsgi
Alias /static /var/www/Joshua-web/static
Alias /media /var/www/Joshua-web/static/
service apache2 restart