This is the featurization step for the project "Walking through the Music and Visual Art StyleSpace via Computational Intelligence" (1).
Here we extracted the features from the penultimate layer of the network implemented by the authors Adrian Lecoutre, Benjamin Negrevergne and Florian Yger (2)(3), without performing any retraining procedures.
Adrian Lecoutre, Benjamin Negrevergne and Florian Yger (2017). Recognizing Art Style Automatically in painting with deep learning. JMLR: Workshop and Conference Proceedings (80) 1–17.
You can install python requirements with
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
git clone
Download the full wikipaintings dataset (the one from WikiArt) executing the following commands. Warning: the file is about ~20GiB.
cd datasets
tar xzvf wikipaintings_full.tgz
cd ../
cd models
tar xzvf rasta_models.tgz
cd ../
Test the model obtained during the rasta experiment.
cd ../python
When the testing is completed, the file img_dataset_testing.csv is saved inside the directory outputs and contains the output of the penultimate layer of the network during the testing.
Here, the dataset img_dataset_testing.csv is correctly formatted. The output is the dataset img_dataset.csv, which is used for the experiment "Walking through the Music and Visual Art StyleSpace via Computational Intelligence" (1).