A minimalistic ClojureScript interface to react-konva
konva-cljs is a ClojureScript library for drawing complex canvas graphics using React (reagent). It's a ClojureScript wrapper of KonvaJS.
You can find a couple of samples in /examples directory.
(require '[konva-cljs.core :as k]
'[konva-cljs.components :as c])
(defn custom-shape-comp []
[c/stage {:width (.-innerWidth js/window)
:height (.-innerHeight js/window)}
[c/shape {:fill "#00D2FF"
:stroke "black"
:stroke-width 4
:scene-func (fn [ctx shape]
(-> ctx
(k/move-to 20 50)
(k/line-to 220 80)
(k/quadratic-curve-to {:cpx 150 :cpy 100 :x 260 :y 170})
(k/fill-stroke-shape shape)))}]]])