http benchmark tool to ran out your server bandwidth.
- random User-Agent on every Request
- random x-forward-for and x-Real-ip on every Request
- customizable Referer Url
- cocurrent thread as you wish, depends on you server performance.
- post method added.
webBenchmark -c [COUNT] -s [URL] -r [REFERER]
-c int
cocurrent thread for download (default 8)
-r string
referer url
random x-forward-for and x-Real-ip header.
-p string
post content, request will be get if missing. otherwise post
-s string
target url (default "")
wget -o webBenchmark_linux_x64
chmod +x webBenchmark_linux_x64
./webBenchmark_linux_x64 -c 32 -s https://target.url