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Open Bounties (up for grabs)

Voted on by escrow council according to Bounty policy. scope, verifier and budget defined. These are up for grabs!

# Title Budget Status Verifier
30 Create a stepper implementation in JS 2880 DAI Approved @kosta
31 Verify that gas pricing is same in Solidity stepper and JS stepper 1440 DAI Approved @kosta
32 Enable contract mocks for CALL OP-codes in solEVM 720 DAI Approved @johba
34 Enable Confidence Vote for Governance 570 DAI Approved @jk
43 Integration Tests 900 DAI Approved @troggy

Bounties in Progress

# Title Budget Status Verifier
8 Transform MinVM into MoreVP Plasma 1500 DAI Assigned(@kosta) @johba
26 Upgradeable Bridge Contracts 1440 DAI Assigned(@eshavkun) @eezcjkr
Enable Compact Stack Proofs For SolEVM 3.7Ξ Assigned(gitcoin)
Enable Compact Memory Proofs For SolEVM 7.3Ξ Approved
Commit To The Execution Path in Challenge Manager 7.3Ξ Approved
33 Create Proposals Contract for Governance 560 DAI Assigned(@AnthonyAkentiev) @troggy
36 Enable Veto for Governance 1300 DAI Assigned(@AnthonyAkentiev) @troggy
38 MerkleMine Contract, Backend and Frontend 1800 DAI Assigned(@helge, @johba) @kosta
39 Create Snapshot of Ethereum chain 1350 DAI Assigned(@johba) @kosta
25 Add State Hash function for solEVM 2.43Ξ Assigned(@nanspro via Gitcoin) @troggy
29 Run testnet with tendermint and split contracts 945 DAI Assigned(@sunify) @jk

New Bounty!

Don't see the bounty you think is important?! just open an issue to propose it. We will get back to you.

Completed Bounties

# Title Budget Status Verifier
1 Plasma Node 1,360 DAI Claimed(@sunify) @troggy
3 Upgradable PSC Token implementation 1,500 DAI Claimed ( @mayank ) @johba
5 Plasma Consensus Rules 1,200 DAI Assigned(@sunify , @johannbarbie) @troggy
6 JSON RPC Server V1 960 DAI Claimed(@troggy) @Koroqe
7 Complete Primitive Data Structures in Parsec Lib 960 DAI Claimed(@troggy, @johannbarbie) @sunify
9 Set up Testnet 900 DAI Claimed(@sunify, @johannbarbie) @troggy
10 Project Alice - Ethereum Testnet 1,440 DAI Claimed(@maxkudla) @sunify
11 Project Alice - Parsec Testnet 700 DAI Claimed(@sunify) @troggy
13 State-enabled scripting conditions for Plasma 1,500 DAI Claimed(@johannbarbie) @kosta
15 Create Gas Oracle 400 DAI Claimed(@Koroqe) @johba
16 PARSEC Block Explorer 800 DAI Claimed(@eezcjkr) @troggy
17 Project Bob - Multiple tokens 480 DAI Claimed(@MaxKudla) @sunify
18 Tokenized NFT exits 960 DAI Claimed(@eezcjkr) @johba
22 Add gas metering to solEVM 3.662Ξ Claimed(@pinkiebell) @troggy
23 Create Off-Chain Executor for solEVM 5.21Ξ Claimed(@troggy) @johba
24 Create On-Chain Executor for solEVM 7.07Ξ Claimed(@troggy) @johba
19 Exit Market Maker 720 DAI Claimed(@eezcjkr) @johba
37 Community page 720 DAI Claimed(@johba) @sunify
40 Minimal Viable Governance Contract 1,912 DAI Claimed(@johba) @jk
41 Minimal viable Governance Frontend 732 DAI Assigned(@johba) @sunify
28 Pull Tendermint Upstream 450 DAI Claimed(@sunify) @johba
Enable Compact LOG Proof For SolEVM 3.7Ξ Claimed(@pinkebell via gitcoin) @troggy
27 Refactor LeapBridge into Bridge and Operator 1530 DAI Claimed(@eezcjkr) @sunify
42 Integration Testing Utility 1,406 DAI Claimed(@jk) @sunify


How to earn money by delivering bounties

  1. Review the list of "Approved" bounties above
  2. Choose the bounty which you feel capable to deliver and which is not assigned yet (no assignee on Github issue)
  3. Leave a comment in the bounty issue that you would like to work on the bounty and get approval from bounty Proposer or Verifier.
  4. Start working on the issue
    • Within 3 days from the start you must create a WIP pull request for the bounty, which will be used to track the progress.
    • You must actively work on the bounty, otherwise it may be withdrawn from you.
    • should you have any questions, problems, suggestions or concerns, communicate them as a comment in the bounty issue.
  5. Once you think the bounty is complete (check against the Deliverables), leave a comment asking for review.
  6. Bounty completion is reviewed by Proposer and Verifier.
  7. If approved as completed, the bounty amount (denominated in DAI) is payed out in ETH at the current rate. Otherwise, you will be asked to make corrections.

Challenge period

Verifier must regularily track a progress made on his bounties. If there is no significant progress/effort made in last 7 days and there was no prior notice from the bounty assignee, Verifier MAY start a challenge period for the bounty:

  • give a 2 days public notice to the assignee to continue working
  • if assignee fails to make significant progress/effort within the next 5 days, the bounty is unassigned and is now free for others to start work on.


How to quantify if the progress/effort is significant?

This is on discretion of Verifier and Proposer.

I have a great idea for a bounty, but it is not in the list?

Great! Propose a new bounty.

I feel that bounty definition is not clear or vague. What should I do?


I have bounty assigned but can't work on it now because I'm busy/sick/away/whatever. What should I do?


I have bounty assigned but I'm stuck and can't make any progress. What should I do?



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