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Eon S. Jeon edited this page Feb 8, 2020 · 2 revisions

Development Requirements

On top of the system requirements, following software is required to build Krohnkite:

  • Typescript (version at least 3.1)
  • GNU Make
  • p7zip (7z command)

Following tools are used by the author of the script:

  • Visual Studio Code: provides the best Typescript development environment.
  • Qt Designer (designer-qt5): a GUI editor for .ui files, used for configuration dialog.
  • TSLint

Debugging the script

An unfortunate truth about KWin script development is lack of debugging tools, so, one must rely on Printf Debugging method.

To see the debug print,

  1. Enable Print debug messages option in Krohnkite configuration.
  2. Restart KWin from a terminal (kwin_x11 --replace)

If more information is needed than currently provided, you can insert calls to console.log from anywhere in the source code - either in Typescript code or the generated Javascript code.

Useful Development Resources

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