Releases: etfre/StardewSpeak
Releases · etfre/StardewSpeak
- First Nexus release!
- Add skills page
- Add social page
- Add gift log
- Add collections page
- Partial implementation of options page
- Add "hold mouse" and "release mouse" commands
- Fix release bug related to copying user lexicon file
- Fix release bug related to .NET 5 file structure
- Minor logging and build improvements
- Add compatibility for SMAPI >= 3.13.4
- Update mimimum SMAPI version to 3.13.4
- Add the ability to specify types of debris in the clear debris command
- Add mine ore command
- Chest-specific commands for container menu
- Remove three second delay for /mimic command
0.0.9 (June 4, 2021)
- Fix issues with moving cursor and changing items while performing certain commands like chopping trees and clearing debris
- Use virtual keyboard buttons rather than internal game method for changing items to avoid occasional glitches
First public release!
- Disable exclusive audio mode for default input device on launch using SoundVolumeView.exe
- Add "ladder down" command for mines and skull cavern
- Continue attack objective even if pathfinding towards a monster fails. This is primarily for flying monsters like bats and cave flies
- Limit request handling when unvalidated update event runs
- Clear grass command
- Debug field for ModConfig
- Bugfixes for shop menu
- Add keybindings to stop and restart speech engine
- Add the ability to dictate dialogue responses
- Remove unneeded 100ms sleep when clicking components
- New command to move in a cardinal direction while navigating around terrain.
- Small update to mailbox menu.
- Move catch fish command to fishing menu.
- Show HUD message on failed attempt to equip item.