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A Synthetic Dataset for Personal Attribute Inference


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SynthPAI: A Synthetic Dataset for Personal Attribute Inference portfolio_view

This is the repository for reproducing results from the paper A Synthetic Dataset for Personal Attribute Inference and using the synthetic dataset for personal attribute inference benchmark runs on newer models. This readme documents how to install, use, and replicate the results seen in original paper.

The SynthPAI synthetic personal attribute inference dataset is aimed at complementing our earlier study (Beyond Memorization: Violating Privacy Via Inference with Large Language Models) on the personal attribute inference capabilities of LLMs.

The SynthPAI dataset is available on HuggingFace portfolio_view You can also compare your private attribute inference skills with GPT-4 on SynthPAI in our HuggingFace space.

Benchmark reference on Papers With Code: PWC

Table of Contents

  1. Overview of our Pipeline
  2. Installation
  3. Running
  4. Code structure
  5. Citation

How thread generation works

An overview of our pipeline for generating SynthPAI is included in the figure below. We generate a dataset in form of Reddit posts, targeted for specific feature of interest. First, we create diverse synthetic profiles and seed LLM agents with them. When prompting the model to generate a comment we pass a profile description to help the model write better content from the perspective of a person with those personal characteristics. Threads are generated in a probabilistic manner to mimic real-life behavior - the personalized LLM agents take turns to comment on the threads, choosing to ignore or engage in the thread and picking a comment to reply to. The agent is more likely to reply to a chain of comments where they have engaged before. After threads have been generated, aided by an LLM, we label the generated comments for inferrable personal attributes.

pipeline figure


First, we recommend using conda for managing your environments, which can be installed by runnning the following commands:

chmod +x
bash ./

You can then install the required environment from our conda environment.yaml. Simply use the command:

conda env create -f environment.yaml

To use OpenAI, create a file with two variables openai_org and openai_api_key. Further you can add Azure credentials to use Azure Language Tools to create anonymized text. The newly created should look like this:

openai_org = ""
openai_api_key = ""

To run HuggingFace models, create a HuggingFace account. We also recommend to create a login token, which then can be set as an environment variable by adding export HF_LOGIN="token" to your .bashrc. Then, in the session where you run scripts using HF, first run huggingface-cli login --token $HF_LOGIN.

To use Anthropic and TogetherAI models set up the accounts and export API keys as environment variables:


To run any experiment proceed as follows:

conda activate synthpai
python ./ --config_path <your_config>

We provide a set of sample configs in the configs folder. By default, the data generation results are stored in thread_resuts folder and evalaution results are stored in results folder.


Loading the dataset

User can directly start private attribute inference evaluation after loading the dataset files without generating new synthetic comments. There are two options available for loading the dataset for testing: from HuggingFace or locally. User can use the following command to load the dataset:

bash scripts/

User can change how to load the dataset in script for --file_type parameter - "HF" for using HuggingFace file or "local" for local file. By default "local" is set.

If you simply want to view the dataset we recommend either the respective dataset viewer on Hugging Face or taking a look at the local version located at data/synthpai.jsonl.

Generating synthetic threads

To generate threads and collect all generated comments into one file, use the following command:

bash scripts/

The script uses configuration from thread.yaml, the user can change the respective generation settings there. The script further prints out threads in readable .txt format in ../generated_threads/txt_threads folder afterwards.

Human labeling of synthetic comments

To manually label the newly generated comments, run the following command:

bash scripts/

The script uses code to launch a gradio interface to enable users to label the comments themselves. There users will see prefilled model guesses and they are free to change them or add new ones. Afterwards, the dataset with new labels will be transformed in a format suitable for personal attribute inference.

Generating SynthPAI dataset

To generate SynthPAI dataset, run the following command:

bash scripts/

Manual check of labels (optional)

The users can also manually check their own labels (guesses). First, they will grade the labels (model or human) against the ground truth or against other labels of their choice. These settings can be changed in the configuration file used for this process eval_labels.yaml. After this manual check, the unnecessary labels are removed. To start the manual check, run the following command:

bash scripts/

Model personal attribute inference

To start running attribute inference experiments, run the following command:

bash scripts/

In the script used above, first the prediction pipeline is run, then the model outputs are extracted in a convenient format for evaluation, since different models have different output formatting. Afterwards, the evaluation code is run on the formatted model predictions. Evaluations are ran against manually revised labels by default, this can be changed in corresponding configuration files.

The script contains configurations for main models used for the results shown in our paper - OpenAI/Meta/Mistral-AI/Anthropic/TogetherAI models are included.

The user can further merge all experiment results into one file and calculate results using the following commands:

bash scripts/
bash scripts/

Code structure

You can find all experimental configurations in configs

  • /configs/eval Contains configuration files to run evaluations and inference for model prediction. Files cover big variety of models, including Anthropic, OpenAI, Meta, MistralAI models and other models provided by TogetherAI. Files are sorted in folders for different model providers.
  • /configs/eval/eval_labels.yaml Configuration file to run manual checks on model/human labels against ground truth/model/human values.
  • /configs/thread/thread.yaml Configuration file to run thread generation.

All used and generated data is stored in data folder.

As previously specified, experiment results and logs are stored in following folders:

/thread_results contains the text logs of runs. /results contains the text logs of prediction and evaluation runs. /predict_results contains the text logs of model inference results for every model used.

Scripts to run experiments are stored in scripts folder:

/src Contains the code for all our experiments. They are largely split into individual folders with some shared code:


      title={A Synthetic Dataset for Personal Attribute Inference}, 
      author={Hanna Yukhymenko and Robin Staab and Mark Vero and Martin Vechev},