npm install
** You must have config.env file to connect to DB **
node seeder -i
to insert data from _data folder
node seeder -d
to erase all data
cd backend
npm start
backend is listening on localhost:5000
cd frontend
npm start
frontend is listening on localhost:3000
localhost:5000/api/v1/users --> GET all users
/api/v1/users/:id --> GET one user by ID (get from DB with get all)
/api/v1/users --> POST
/api/v1/users/:id --> PUT
/api/v1/users/:id --> DELETE
useful links:
localhost:5000/api/v1/users?select=name,phone // will only return name and phone
localhost:5000/api/v1/users?ring_size[lte]=11&select=name,ring_size // return name and ring_size of those with ring_size lte 11
cd frontend
npm run build
Commit and Push Changes on Develop Branch
Merge Develop into Staging