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feat(api): added /v2/_catalog pagination, fixes project-zot#2715
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Signed-off-by: Eusebiu Petu <[email protected]>
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eusebiu-constantin-petu-dbk committed Nov 13, 2024
1 parent e5af24d commit da874b1
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Showing 3 changed files with 211 additions and 111 deletions.
139 changes: 139 additions & 0 deletions pkg/api/controller_test.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8145,6 +8145,145 @@ func TestRouteFailures(t *testing.T) {

func TestPagedRepositories(t *testing.T) {
port := test.GetFreePort()
baseURL := test.GetBaseURL(port)
conf := config.New()
conf.HTTP.Port = port

ctlr := makeController(conf, t.TempDir())
ctlr.Config.Storage.Commit = true

cm := test.NewControllerManager(ctlr)

defer cm.StopServer()

rthdlr := api.NewRouteHandler(ctlr)

img := CreateRandomImage()

tag := "0.1"
repoName := "alpine"
repoNames := []string{
"alpine1", "alpine2", "alpine3",
"alpine4", "alpine5", "alpine6",
"alpine7", "alpine8", "alpine9",

for _, repo := range repoNames {
err := UploadImage(img, baseURL, repo, tag)
if err != nil {

// Note empty strings signify the query parameter is not set
// There are separate tests for passing the empty string as query parameter
testCases := []struct {
testCaseName string
pageSize string
last string
expectedRepos []string
testCaseName: "no parameters",
pageSize: "",
last: "",
expectedRepos: repoNames,
testCaseName: "first 5",
pageSize: "5",
last: "",
expectedRepos: repoNames[:5],
testCaseName: "next 5",
pageSize: "5",
last: repoName + "5",
expectedRepos: repoNames[5:9],
testCaseName: "0",
pageSize: "0",
last: "",
expectedRepos: []string{},
testCaseName: "Test the parameter 'last' without parameter 'n'",
pageSize: "",
last: repoName + "2",
expectedRepos: repoNames[2:9],
testCaseName: "Test the parameter 'last' with the final repo as value",
pageSize: "",
last: repoName + "9",
expectedRepos: []string{},

for _, testCase := range testCases {
Convey(testCase.testCaseName, t, func() {
t.Log("Running " + testCase.testCaseName)

request, _ := http.NewRequestWithContext(context.TODO(), http.MethodGet,
baseURL+constants.RoutePrefix+constants.ExtCatalogPrefix, nil)

if testCase.pageSize != "" || testCase.last != "" {
qparm := request.URL.Query()

if testCase.pageSize != "" {
qparm.Add("n", testCase.pageSize)

if testCase.last != "" {
qparm.Add("last", testCase.last)

request.URL.RawQuery = qparm.Encode()

response := httptest.NewRecorder()

rthdlr.ListRepositories(response, request)

resp := response.Result()
defer resp.Body.Close()
So(resp, ShouldNotBeNil)
So(resp.StatusCode, ShouldEqual, http.StatusOK)

catalog := struct {
Repositories []string `json:"repositories"`

body, err := io.ReadAll(resp.Body)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)

err = json.Unmarshal(body, &catalog)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)

So(catalog.Repositories, ShouldEqual, testCase.expectedRepos)

actualLinkValue := resp.Header.Get("Link")
if testCase.pageSize == "0" || testCase.pageSize == "" { //nolint:gocritic
So(actualLinkValue, ShouldEqual, "")
} else if testCase.expectedRepos[len(testCase.expectedRepos)-1] == catalog.Repositories[len(catalog.Repositories)-1] &&
testCase.expectedRepos[len(testCase.expectedRepos)-1] == repoNames[len(repoNames)-1] {
So(actualLinkValue, ShouldEqual, "")
} else {
expectedLinkValue := fmt.Sprintf("</v2/_catalog?n=%s&last=%s>; rel=\"next\"",
testCase.pageSize, catalog.Repositories[len(catalog.Repositories)-1],
So(actualLinkValue, ShouldEqual, expectedLinkValue)

t.Log("Finished " + testCase.testCaseName)

func TestListingTags(t *testing.T) {
port := test.GetFreePort()
baseURL := test.GetBaseURL(port)
Expand Down
175 changes: 65 additions & 110 deletions pkg/api/routes.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1764,84 +1764,51 @@ type RepositoryList struct {
Repositories []string `json:"repositories"`

// ListRepositories godoc
// @Summary List image repositories
// @Description List all image repositories
// @Accept json
// @Produce json
// @Success 200 {object} api.RepositoryList
// @Failure 500 {string} string "internal server error"
// @Router /v2/_catalog [get].
func (rh *RouteHandler) ListRepositories(response http.ResponseWriter, request *http.Request) {
if request.Method == http.MethodOptions {

q := request.URL.Query()
func (rh *RouteHandler) listStorageRepositories(lastEntry string, maxEntries int) ([]string, bool, error) {
var remainder int

lastEntry := q.Get("last")
maxEntries, err := strconv.Atoi(q.Get("n"))
if err != nil {
maxEntries = -1

if lastEntry != "" || maxEntries > 0 {
storePath := rh.c.StoreController.GetStorePath(lastEntry)
var moreEntries bool

combineRepoList := make([]string, 0)
var repos []string

var moreEntries bool = false
var err error

var remainder int
combineRepoList := make([]string, 0)

storePath := rh.c.StoreController.GetStorePath(lastEntry)
if storePath == storage.DefaultStorePath {
singleStore := rh.c.StoreController.DefaultStore
if singleStore != nil && storePath == storage.DefaultStorePath { // route is default
var err error

var repos []string

repos, moreEntries, err = singleStore.GetNextRepositories(lastEntry, maxEntries)
if err != nil {


// compute remainder
remainder = maxEntries - len(repos)

if moreEntries {
// maxEntries has been hit
lastEntry = repos[len(repos)-1]
} else {
// reset for the next substores
lastEntry = ""

combineRepoList = append(combineRepoList, repos...)
repos, moreEntries, err = singleStore.GetNextRepositories(lastEntry, maxEntries)
if err != nil {
return repos, false, err

subStore := rh.c.StoreController.SubStore
for subPath, imgStore := range subStore {
if subPath != storePath || remainder <= 0 {
remainder = maxEntries - len(repos)

var err error
if moreEntries && remainder <= 0 && len(repos) > 0 {
// maxEntries has been hit
lastEntry = repos[len(repos)-1]
} else {
// reset for the next substores
lastEntry = ""

var repos []string
combineRepoList = append(combineRepoList, repos...)

subStore := rh.c.StoreController.SubStore
for subPath, imgStore := range subStore {
if (remainder > 0 || maxEntries == -1) || subPath == storePath {
repos, moreEntries, err = imgStore.GetNextRepositories(lastEntry, remainder)
if err != nil {

return combineRepoList, false, err

// compute remainder
remainder = maxEntries - len(repos)

if moreEntries {
if moreEntries && remainder <= 0 && len(repos) > 0 {
// maxEntries has been hit
lastEntry = repos[len(repos)-1]
} else {
Expand All @@ -1851,65 +1818,39 @@ func (rh *RouteHandler) ListRepositories(response http.ResponseWriter, request *

combineRepoList = append(combineRepoList, repos...)

repos := make([]string, 0)
// authz context
userAc, err := reqCtx.UserAcFromContext(request.Context())
if err != nil {


if userAc != nil {
for _, r := range combineRepoList {
if userAc.Can(constants.ReadPermission, r) {
repos = append(repos, r)
} else {
repos = combineRepoList

is := RepositoryList{Repositories: repos}

zcommon.WriteJSON(response, http.StatusOK, is)
return combineRepoList, moreEntries, nil

// ListRepositories godoc
// @Summary List image repositories
// @Description List all image repositories
// @Accept json
// @Produce json
// @Success 200 {object} api.RepositoryList
// @Failure 500 {string} string "internal server error"
// @Router /v2/_catalog [get].
func (rh *RouteHandler) ListRepositories(response http.ResponseWriter, request *http.Request) {
if request.Method == http.MethodOptions {

combineRepoList := make([]string, 0)

singleStore := rh.c.StoreController.DefaultStore
if singleStore != nil { // route is default
var err error

var repos []string

repos, err = singleStore.GetRepositories()
if err != nil {

q := request.URL.Query()

combineRepoList = append(combineRepoList, repos...)
lastEntry := q.Get("last")
maxEntries, err := strconv.Atoi(q.Get("n"))
if err != nil {
maxEntries = -1

subStore := rh.c.StoreController.SubStore
for _, imgStore := range subStore {
repos, err := imgStore.GetRepositories()
if err != nil {


combineRepoList = append(combineRepoList, repos...)
repos, moreEntries, err := rh.listStorageRepositories(lastEntry, maxEntries)
if err != nil {


repos := make([]string, 0)
// authz context
userAc, err := reqCtx.UserAcFromContext(request.Context())
if err != nil {
Expand All @@ -1918,14 +1859,28 @@ func (rh *RouteHandler) ListRepositories(response http.ResponseWriter, request *

var filteredRepos []string

if userAc != nil {
for _, r := range combineRepoList {
for _, r := range repos {
if userAc.Can(constants.ReadPermission, r) {
repos = append(repos, r)
filteredRepos = append(filteredRepos, r)
} else {
repos = combineRepoList
filteredRepos = repos

if moreEntries && len(filteredRepos) > 0 {
lastRepo := filteredRepos[len(filteredRepos)-1]

fmt.Sprintf("</v2/_catalog?n=%d&last=%s>; rel=\"next\"",

is := RepositoryList{Repositories: repos}
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8 changes: 7 additions & 1 deletion pkg/storage/imagestore/imagestore.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -305,7 +305,13 @@ func (is *ImageStore) GetNextRepositories(lastRepo string, maxEntries int) ([]st
return nil //nolint:nilerr // ignore invalid repos

if lastRepo == "" || lastRepo == rel {
if lastRepo == rel {
found = true

return nil

if lastRepo == "" {
found = true

Expand Down

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