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👽 Status: Invalid
:alien: Status: Invalid
🗳️ Status: Voting
:ballot_box: Status: Voting
📑 Language: Documentation
:bookmark_tabs: Language: Documentation
💹 Status: Fix Released
:chart: Status: Fix Released
Pull requests that update a dependency file
🤕 Status: Won't Fix
:face_with_head_bandage: Status: Won't Fix
💵 Has: Bounty
💵 Has: Bounty
Language: Copy
Language: Copy
Language: CSS
Language: CSS
Language: HTML
Language: HTML
Language: Image
Language: Image
Language: JavaScript
Language: JavaScript
Language: PHP
Language: PHP
🚨 Priority: Critical
🚨 Priority: Critical
🚩 Priority: High
🚩 Priority: High
💚 Priority: Low
💚 Priority: Low
⚠️ Priority: Medium
⚠️ Priority: Medium
😍 Priority: Wishlist
😍 Priority: Wishlist
🍀 Size: Bytesize
🍀 Size: Bytesize
🏬 Size: Goliath
🏬 Size: Goliath
🐍 Language: Python
:snake: Language: Python
🚧 Status: Blocked
🚧 Status: Blocked
🔧 Status: In Progress
🔧 Status: In Progress
💣 Status: New
💣 Status: New
🐝 Type: Bug
🐝 Type: Bug
✨ Type: Enhancement
✨ Type: Enhancement
🌞 Type: Maintenance
🌞 Type: Maintenance
❔ Type: Question
❔ Type: Question
✅ Status: Fix Committed
:white_check_mark: Status: Fix Committed
👍 Status: Confirmed
:+1: Status: Confirmed