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Releases: eventflow/EventFlow


28 May 15:10
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  • New: EventFlow.TestHelpers are now released as .NET Standard as well
  • Fix: Upgrade EventStore.Client to v5.0.1 and use it for both .NET Framework and .NET Core
  • Fix: Storing events in MS SQL Server using MsSqlEventPersistence now correctly
    handles non-ANSI unicode characters in strings.
  • Fix: Source link integration now works correctly


17 Apr 17:24
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  • Breaking: Commands published from AggregateSaga which return false
    in IExecutionResult.IsSuccess will newly lead to an exception being thrown.
    For disabling all new changes just set protected property
    AggregateSaga.ThrowExceptionsOnFailedPublish to false in your AggregateSaga constructor.
    Also an Exception thrown from any command won't prevent other commands from being executed.
    All exceptions will be collected and then re-thrown in SagaPublishException (even in case
    of just one Exception). The exception structure is following:
    • SagaPublishException : AggregateException
      • .InnerExceptions
        • CommandException : Exception
          • .CommandType
          • .SourceId
          • .InnerException # in case of an exception thrown from the command
        • CommandException : Exception
          • .CommandType
          • .SourceId
          • .ExecutionResult # in case of returned false in IExecutionResult.IsSuccess
            You need to update your ISagaErrorHandler implementation to reflect new exception structure,
            unless you disable this new feature.
  • Fix: MongoDB read store no longer throws an exception on non-existing read models (#625)


11 Apr 07:29
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  • Breaking: Changed target framework to to .NET Framework 4.5.2 for the following NuGet packages,
    as Microsoft has discontinued
    support for .NET Framework 4.5.1
    • EventFlow
    • EventFlow.TestHelpers
    • EventFlow.Autofac
    • EventFlow.Elasticsearch
    • EventFlow.Examples.Shipping
    • EventFlow.Examples.Shipping.Queries.InMemory
    • EventFlow.Hangfire
    • EventFlow.MongoDB
    • EventFlow.MsSql
    • EventFlow.Owin
    • EventFlow.PostgreSql
    • EventFlow.RabbitMQ
    • EventFlow.Sql
    • EventFlow.SQLite
  • New: Added SourceLink support
  • Fix: DispatchToSagas.ProcessSagaAsync use EventId instead of SourceId as SourceId
    for delivery of external event to AggregateSaga
  • Fix: Identity<T>.NewComb() now produces string values that doesn't cause
    too much index fragmentation in MSSQL string columns


17 Apr 16:02
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  • New: Added configuration option to set the "point of no return" when using
    cancellation tokens. After this point in processing, cancellation tokens
    are ignored:
    options.Configure(c => c.CancellationBoundary = CancellationBoundary.BeforeCommittingEvents)
  • New: Added EventFlowOptions.RunOnStartup<TBootstrap> extension method to
    register IBootstrap types that should run on application startup.
  • New: Support for async read model updates (IAmAsyncReadModelFor).
    You can mix and match asynchronous and synchronous updates,
    as long as you don't subscribe to the same event in both ways.
  • Fix: Added the schema dbo to the eventdatamodel_list_type in script
    0002 - Create eventdatamodel_list_type.sql for EventFlow.MsSql.
  • Fix: LoadAllCommittedEvents now correctly handles cases where the
    GlobalSequenceNumber column contains gaps larger than the page size. This bug
    lead to incomplete event application when using the ReadModelPopulator (see #564).
  • Fix: IResolver.Resolve<T>() and IResolver.Resolve(Type) now throw an
    exception for unregistered services when using EventFlow.DependencyInjection.
  • Minor fix: Fixed stack overflow in ValidateRegistrations when decorator
    components are co-located together with other components that are registed using


03 Dec 12:54
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  • Breaking: Changed name of namespace of the projects AspNetCore EventFlow.Aspnetcore
    to EventFlow.AspNetCore
  • Fix: Ignore multiple loads of the same saga


14 Oct 18:46
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  • New: Expose Lifetime.Scoped through the EventFLow service registration
  • New: Upgrade NEST version to 6.1.0 and Hangfire.Core to 1.6.20
    Now Elasticsearch provide one index per document. If ElasticsearchTypeAttribute
    is used the index is map with the Name value as an alias.
    When ElasticsearchReadModelStore delete all documents, it will delete
    all indexes linked to the alias.
  • Fix: Internal IoC (remember its just for testing) now correctly invokes
    IDisposable.Dispose() on scope and container dispose


01 Oct 06:13
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  • Critical fix: - fix issue where the process using EventFlow could hang using 100% CPU due to unsynchronized Dictionary access, See #541.


28 Sep 13:30
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  • Minor: Performance improvement of storing events for EventFlow.PostgreSql


28 Sep 13:30
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  • New: Added .NET standard support for SQLite


07 Aug 19:27
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  • New: PostgreSQL support in the form of the new EventFlow.PostgreSql NuGet package