Capifony is based on Capistrano v2.x and will stick to this version (i.e. Capifony is feature-frozen, and will only accept bug fixes).
At the time of writing, Capistrano v3 is the current major version, and Capifony is not compatible with it.
Don't worry, there is a plugin for that! Using Capistrano v3 + capistrano/symfony (heavily inspired by Capifony) may be the way to go for new projects! You can read more on capifony and its future.
Capistrano is an open source tool for running scripts on multiple servers. Its primary use is for easily deploying applications. While it was built specifically for deploying Rails apps, it’s pretty simple to customize it to deploy other types of applications. We’ve been working on creating a deployment “recipe” to work with symfony applications to make our job a lot easier.
- Symfony 1.4+ OR Symfony2
- Must have SSH access to the server you are deploying to.
- Must have Ruby and RubyGems installed on your machine (not required for deployment server)
sudo gem install capifony
git clone git://
cd capifony
gem build capifony.gemspec
sudo gem install capifony-{version}.gem
Read the capifony documentation
You need a set of dependencies in order to run the capifony's test suite. You can use Bundler to install these dependencies:
BUNDLE_GEMFILE=.gemfile bundle install
Then, run the tests using Rake:
BUNDLE_GEMFILE=.gemfile bundle exec rake spec
For more information, see the .travis.yml
- everzet (owner):
- Arlo Borras (contributor):
- Xavier Gorse (contributor):
- Travis Roberts (creator of improved version):
- Brent Shaffer (contributor):
- William Durand (maintainer):
- And, All contributors
Capifony is released under the MIT License. See the bundled LICENSE file for details.