第0.0.1回 Evex 難読化コンテストの結果
1 70 ふぁ
2 69 owasikohu
3 59 hiro_omochi
僅差 t
他にも参加してくれた方ありがとうございます! お時間が無い中、出来るだけ解いてくださった方もありがとうございます。 賞品は上から順に何が欲しいか聞いていきます
Level 0: 2 point
Level 1: 6 point
Level 2: 8 point
Level 3: 2 point
Level 4: 10 point
Level 5: 10 point
Level 6: 11 point
level 7: 7 point
Level 8 (old 3): 10 point
Level C: 12 point
Level R: 8 point
Level W: 6 point
Level J: 4 point
Level F: 10 point
Level K: 7 point
Level X: 18 point
- Don't cheat.
Please quit cooperating with others. Your ability is all that matters. - You can use the de-obfuscation tool.
Manually, or good. - AI is not your teacher.
You can use them but don't leave everything to them. - This is only a contest for deobfuscation.
You understand, don't you?