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TX bot

A spam bot that continuously sends transactions to EVM endpoint.


The bot runs as follows:

  1. Check orchestrator balance. Exit if balance below threshold.
  2. Deploy gas consumer contract.
  3. Create worker accounts and fund them.
  4. Run workers of different types. Find more details about these on the next section.
  5. On insufficient funds, refund workers.

Worker types

This repository supports 5 worker types:

  • Gas consumer: keeps calling a gas consumer contract's go method which is a loop that exits when gas used reaches a threshold.
  • Bank worker: continuously sends funds to another account using the MsgSend message from the bank module.
  • ERC-20 converter: keeps sending MsgConvertERC20 messages to convert ERC-20 tokens to IBC coins. The corresponding token pair is registered during the bot initialization.
  • ETH sender: continuously sends funds to another account using the ethers library.
  • Delegator: stakes (delegates) part of its balance to a validator available on the network.

Workers are spanned on a round-robin fashion.


  • Create workers (accounts) to prevent nonce issues.
  • Deploy smart contract for workers to call.
  • Manage nonce of workers to allow as many successful txs as possible.
  • Fund and refund workers when they encounter insufficient fund error.
  • Expose the following metrics:
    • num_failed_tx
    • num_success_tx
    • fee_success_tx
  • Check orchestrator balance and exit if balance is below threshold.

Environment variables

variable description required default
ORCH_PRIV_KEY orchestrator private key used to fund worker accounts yes N/A
RPC_URL evm rpc url to send tx no http://localhost:8545
API_URL evm API server url to send queries and txs no http://localhost:1317
CHAIN_ID unique identifier of the chain that the bot will connect to no evmos_9000-1
ORCH_MIN_FUNDS_BASE minimum balance that orchestrator must have. Exit otherwise no 10000000000000000000
NUMBER_OF_WORKERS number of workers (accounts) that will send txs no 10
WORKER_TYPES types of workers to span no bank,delegate,gasConsumer,converter,ethSender
FUNDS_PER_ACCOUNT_BASE fund amount for workers used initially and on insufficient balance no 1000000000000000000
WAIT_FOR_TX_MINE flag to determine whether to wait for tx to mine or not no false
GAS_CONSUME_PER_TX how much gas to use in gasConsumer worker no 100000
LOG_LEVEL application logging level no info
SERVER_PORT port to run server on. Used to expose metrics no 8080


Before running the bot make sure that the api is enabled.
On the app.toml file set the following configuration:


# Enable defines if the API server should be enabled.
enable = true

# EnableUnsafeCORS defines if CORS should be enabled (unsafe - use it at your own risk).
enabled-unsafe-cors = true

Also, it is important to increase the number of conections allowed by grpc. To achieve this, make sure to edit the config.toml file with the following:

# Maximum number of unique queries a given client can /subscribe to
# If you're using GRPC (or Local RPC client) and /broadcast_tx_commit, set to
# the estimated # maximum number of broadcast_tx_commit calls per block.
max_subscriptions_per_client = 500

Install dependencies

Use npm to install all the corresponding dependencies:

npm install


Use npm to compile the code:

npm run build

The compiled files will be located inside the dist directory.

Run natively

npm install
export CHAIN_ID=evmos_9000-1
export CHAIN_ID_NUMBER=9000
export RPC_URL=http://evm-rpc-url:8545
export API_URL=http://evm-rpc-url:1317
npx ts-node src/index.ts

Alternatively, you can build the project and run it using this command:

node ./dist/index.js

Run using docker

To run the bot inside a docker container, use the following commands:

docker build -t tx-bot-dev -f .
docker run -it --init --rm --network=host -e CHAIN_ID_NUMBER=9000 -e CHAIN_ID=evmos_9000-1 -e API_URL=http://evm-rpc-url:1317 -e RPC_URL=http://localhost:8545 -e ORCH_PRIV_KEY=YOUR_FUNDER_ACCOUNT_PRIV_KEY tx-bot-dev


Apart from the possibility to define the desired number of workers using the NUMBER_OF_WORKERS environment variable, it is possible to create new workers or delete existing ones using the bot API.

For creation use the add_worker endpoint:

curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"worker":"converter", "params":{""}}'

For deletion of all workers of the same type use the delete_worker endpoint:

curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"worker":"converter"}'

NOTE: when using a different port for the API when passing the SERVER_PORT env variable make sure you're using that port for these requests instead of the default one (8080).