HTML interface for ATS traffic_top utility. Tested on trafficserver-6.2.2 and 7.1.1.
Only the main page , and only part of the stats are shown. Some graphs (using Google Charts) were added.
The absolute stats seems OK , but some of the "non absolute" stats are still not correct.
For 7.x some changes might be required (look for /_stats and change it to the name used in 7.x)
Note: I am not a WEB developer , so this is mostly cut & paste code. Any corrections / improvements / contributions are welcome.
To use it , you need to somehow serve the HTML/JS pages. You can try to push and pin the 2 page in the ATS cache , or use a WEB server (or your origin) , or with the lua plugin.
I used SimpleHTTPServer from pyton as follows:
- create a new directory on you ATS machine and copy the ats_stats.html and ats_stats.js files to it
- inside the directory run: python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8000 &
- add a remap rule to your ATS remap.config file: map http://your domain/optional path
- try accessing the page: http://your domain/optional path/ats_stats.html