This package offers taggable behaviour for your models. After the package is installed the only thing you have to do is add the HasTags
trait to an Eloquent model to make it taggable.
But we didn't stop with the regular tagging capabilities you find in every package. Laravel Tags comes with batteries included. Out of the box it has support for translating tags, multiple tag types and sorting capabilities.
You'll find the documentation on
Here are some code examples:
//create a model with some tags
$newsItem = NewsItem::create([
'name' => 'testModel',
'tags' => ['tag', 'tag2'], //tags will be created if they don't exist
//attaching tags
$newsItem->attachTags(['tag4', 'tag5']);
//detaching tags
$newsItem->detachTags(['tag4', 'tag5']);
//syncing tags
$newsItem->syncTags(['tag1', 'tag2']); // all other tags on this model will be detached
//syncing tags with a type
$newsItem->syncTagsWithType(['tag1', 'tag2'], 'typeA');
$newsItem->syncTagsWithType(['tag1', 'tag2'], 'typeB');
//retrieving tags with a type
//retrieving models that have any of the given tags
NewsItem::withAnyTags(['tag1', 'tag2']);
//retrieve models that have all of the given tags
NewsItem::withAllTags(['tag1', 'tag2']);
//translating a tag
$tag = Tag::findOrCreate('my tag');
$tag->setTranslation('fr', 'mon tag');
$tag->setTranslation('nl', 'mijn tag');
//using tag types
$tag = Tag::create('tag 1', 'my type');
//tags have slugs
$tag = Tag::create('yet another tag');
$tag->slug; //returns "yet-another-tag"
//tags are sortable
$tag = Tag::findOrCreate('my tag');
$tag->order_column; //returns 1
$tag2 = Tag::findOrCreate('another tag');
$tag2->order_column; //returns 2
//manipulating the order of tags
Spatie is a webdesign agency based in Antwerp, Belgium. You'll find an overview of all our open source projects on our website.
You're free to use this package (it's MIT-licensed), but if it makes it to your production environment we highly appreciate you sending us a postcard from your hometown, mentioning which of our package(s) you are using.
Our address is: Spatie, Samberstraat 69D, 2060 Antwerp, Belgium.
All postcards are published on our website.
This package requires Laravel 5.3 or higher, PHP 7.0 or higher and a database that supports json
fields such as MySQL 5.7 or higher.
You can install the package via composer:
composer require spatie/laravel-tags
Next up, the service provider must be registered:
// config/app.php
'providers' => [
You can publish the migration with:
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Spatie\Tags\TagsServiceProvider" --tag="migrations"
After the migration has been published you can create the tags
and taggables
tables by running the migrations:
php artisan migrate
You can optionally publish the config file with:
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Spatie\Tags\TagsServiceProvider" --tag="config"
This is the contents of the published config file:
return [
* The given function generates a URL friendly "slug" from the tag name property before saving it.
'slugger' => 'str_slug',
You'll find the documentation on
Find yourself stuck using the package? Found a bug? Do you have general questions or suggestions for improving the laravel-tags
package? Feel free to create an issue on GitHub, we'll try to address it as soon as possible.
If you've found a bug regarding security please mail [email protected] instead of using the issue tracker.
Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.
If you discover any security related issues, please email [email protected] instead of using the issue tracker.
- Copy
and fill in your database credentials. - Run
Spatie is a webdesign agency based in Antwerp, Belgium. You'll find an overview of all our open source projects on our website.
The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.