API server for Mapotempo Route
- Project dependencies
- Install Bundler Gem
- Requirements for all systems
- Install project
- Configuration for docker
- Initialization
- Update Sync Function
- Running
- Migrations
- Swagger
Install Ruby (>= 2.3 is needed) and other dependencies from system package.
First, install Ruby:
sudo apt-get install ruby2.3 ruby2.3-dev
You need some others libs:
sudo apt-get install build-essential libz-dev libicu-dev libevent-dev
Then, install docker to run Couchbase:
sudo apt-get install docker docker-compose
It's important to have all of this installed packages before installing following gems.
Bundler provides a consistent environment for Ruby projects by tracking and installing the exact gems and versions that are needed. For more information see Bundler website.
To install Bundler Ruby Gem:
export GEM_HOME=~/.gem/ruby/2.3
gem install bundler
The GEM_HOME variable is the place who are stored Ruby gems.
Now add gem bin directory to path with :
export PATH=$PATH:~/.gem/ruby/2.3/bin
Add environment variables into the end of your .bashrc file:
export GEM_HOME=~/.gem/ruby/2.3
export PATH=$PATH:~/.gem/ruby/2.3/bin
Run this command to activate your modifications :
source ~/.bashrc
For the following installation, your current working directory needs to be the mapotempo-fleet root directory.
git clone [email protected]:mapotempo/mapotempo-fleet.git
cd mapotempo-fleet
bundle install
Note: In case the default Python in the system is Python 3, you must setup a virtualenv with Python 2 to be able to compile native gem libuv. So before running `bundle install:
virtualenv -p python2.7 venv2.7
source venv2.7/bin/activate
You need to install nodeJS for Sync Function:
curl -sS https://dl.yarnpkg.com/debian/pubkey.gpg | apt-key add -
curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_8.x | bash -
apt install nodejs
Then install required packages:
cd ./SynFunction
npm i
Build the docker image:
sudo docker-compose build
Run the docker-compose project:
sudo docker-compose -p fleet up -d
Initialize the project:
./initialize-db.sh fleet
It creates a cluster, a bucket and an admin user. Restart the docker-compose project.
Only needed, if sync function has changed.
To update the sync function (in ./SyncFunction/SyncFunction.js
) for docker (docker/sync-gateway-config.json
cd docker
Restart SyncGateway container.
Before running rails server always execute the following migration (ensure consistency of couchbase views):
rails mapotempo_fleet:ensure_couchbase_views
Run the docker containing couchbase (8091), sync-gateway (4984 and 4985) and fleet-api (8084):
sudo docker-compose -p fleet up
In order to create initial required data, a populate script is available through:
bundle exec rails mapotempo_fleet:populate
It performs 3 main things:
- Create Couchbase views to query data in models
- Create an admin account (which api_key is required to create companies)
- Create a default company (default) with the default workflow
In order to proceed nominally, each company needs a workflow. A default workflow is automatically associated to a company when creating it through the API call.
Each workflow is composed of:
- A set of MissionActionType, linked to a previous and a next MissionStatusType.
- Only the previous and next MissionStatusType, defined in MissionActionType, are accessible from the current MissionStatusType.
- MissionStatusType defined the name of the current status, its color and a svg path.
Finally, each company have an initial status to start with. The default workflow is defined in lib/workflow/default_workflow.rb.
In order to test Couchbase, the gem FactoryBot can create dummies data for all models. Theses commands must be run in a console.
All fields which are not specified are automatically populated with fake data, except for relationships. The fake data are defined in spec/factories/* repertory.
Create one data, :
FactoryBot.create(:company, name: 'default') # For a company for instance
FactoryBot.create(:company, company: Company.first, name: 'default') # For a user
FactoryBot.create_list(:company, 10) # To create a set of data in one command, 10 for instance
Sometime a field must be uniq, like name, to avoid a conflict, use the fake data and don't specified the field.
To update Couchbase data, migration scripts must be written and executed after deployment of a new version if needed. Executed migrations are stored in SchemaMigration documents. Migrations isn't executed if already present in database (see SchemaMigration document).
To apply all unexecuted migrations, run the command:
rails mapotempo_fleet:migrate
To list all migrations available (prefixed by migration_), run the command:
rails -T
All scripts are under the directory: lib/tasks/migrations
New migration can be add with the following template :
namespace :mapotempo_fleet do
desc 'Descrive the migration'
task :migration_201802211720_new_migration_name, [] => :environment do |_task, _args|
# Verify migration execution
migration_name = _task.name.split(':').last.freeze
if SchemaMigration.find_by(migration_name)
p 'migration aborted, reason : already executed'
# Do migration here
# Save migration execution
SchemaMigration.create(migration: migration_name, date: DateTime.now.to_s)
The name format should be migration_[YEAR MONTH DAY HOUR MINUTE]_name
Generate the Swagger JSON file, before running in production:
rails rswag:specs:swaggerize