In today’s world, providing a RESTful interface is often the primary requirement for a backend application server. Flask has proved to be a very flexible and powerful framework which enables developers to produce great results in a short time. But while Flask provides great functionality for generating HTML-based content out of the box, this is not the case for RESTful APIs.
Flask-SlimREST tries to fill this gap by providing some convenience functionality for implementing RESTful applications with Flask and marshmallow.
app = Flask(__name__)
api = SlimRest(app)
class HeroNamespace:
@dump(HeroSchema(), paginated=True)
def hero_collection(self):
return db.get_heroes()
@catch(ValueError, 'No hero with this ID found.', 404)
def hero_details(self, id):
return db.get_hero(int(id))
@add_endpoint('/', methods=['POST'])
@dump(HeroSchema(), return_code=201)
def hero_post(self, data):
return db.add_hero(Hero(None,['hero_name'],['character_trait']))
Using pip:
pip install flask-slimrest