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Boris Fritscher edited this page Mar 3, 2022 · 4 revisions Documentation

Site Admin User Guide

The admin site is at

Import of external data


Provide a twitter username in the space attribut's (no # or url, only name!)

  1. Optionally specify a filter regex in custom data "twitter_filter": "#\\w*"


  1. Provide a URL to an ics file in the space
  2. Optionally specify a filter regex in custom data "events_ics_filter": "#\\w*"

If the filter is present, then only events which's "description" content match the regex will be imported.

Mapping between iCal format

  • dates, summary, description
  • description is parsed for #tags and url
  • first url found in description becomes the official link to the event
  • one image is supported, first attachment link (icalendar ATTACH)
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