😠A place for people who love a good cry to look at a lists of songs to cry to in different places. ðŸ˜
This app is designed to allow users to interact with a selection of songs, adding their comments and ratings. Users should be able to view other users comments and ratings. They can sign up and create an account using OAuth.
We aren't authenticating or deploying at the moment (thanks Bard!) so we have no way to track users or delete specific user posts.
As a user,
- I want to sign in using my GitHub account
- I want to comment on a selection of songs
- I want to add my rating to a selection of songs
- I want to view other users comments
Clone the Repo
git clone "https://github.com/fac27/sobSessions"
Install dependencies
npm install
seed the data
npm run seed
Check that you have the correct version of Node
node -v
If there are any issues accessing the fly website you can run locally
npm run dev
Run tests
npm run tests
A wireframe was created using tldraw
A database diagram was created using db diagram