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Clever Movies: Your Ultimate Movie and TV Series Companion

CleverMovies is a dynamic web application that fetches movie and TV series data from an external API and provides a personalized experience for users. With CleverMovies, you can browse through a vast collection of titles, search for specific movies or TV series, and even track your favourites.


  • Browse and Search: Easily explore a wide range of movies and TV series using the search bars even a guest.
  • Details: Provides detailed information about each movie, including title, release year, plot summary, and more.
  • Personalized Experience: Create an account to save your favourite movies, rate them, etc.
  • Administrator Privileges: Admin users can manage the website's content globally, making changes to the homepage and other sections as needed
  • Displays a collection of movies on the homepage.

Technologies Used

  • Frontend: HTML, CSS, JavaScript
  • Backend: Node.js, Express.js
  • Database: Custom caching system implemented for efficient data management and retrieval (data is persistent only while the app is running).
  • External API: TMBD (The Movie Database) API

Making the Site Responsive

  • Currently the site it is not resonsive and doesn't dapts seamlessly to different screen sizes, such as those of mobile phones, tablets, and desktops.

Converting px to rem

Currently the site is using px which is fixed in value and doesn't scale across different screens. This will be converted to rems to ensure that text and other elements adjust proportionally based on the user's preferred font size settings and device characteristics.

Tidy Up CSS:

  • Remove Redundant Styles: Identify and eliminate redundant or unused CSS rules to reduce file size and improve loading times.

  • Consolidate Similar Styles: Merge similar styles into reusable classes or components to avoid duplication and streamline code maintenance.

  • Commenting: Add descriptive comments to clarify the purpose and functionality of different sections or styles within the stylesheet, facilitating easier navigation and understanding

Future Site Enhancements

  • Allow users to choose which cache to delete from in order to free up space.
  • Enable users to add movies/TV shows to their favourites by clicking the favourite icon.
  • Implement a rating system for movies/TV shows, allowing users to rate their viewing experience.
  • Provide users with the ability to view or delete items stored in their search cache, currently the user can only see the number of search they have made in dashboard.
  • Allow users to manage their favoirite items by viewing or deleting them from their cache, alongside displaying the total count of favourite items.
  • Enable users to view and manage their movie/TV show ratings, including the option to delete them.
  • Display the number of API calls made to provide transparency to users regarding data retrieval.
  • Allow the admin to disable accounts
  • Remove or adding priviledges to account e.g make them admin or not admin

Know limitation problem that will be fixed

  1. Initial Data Retrieval:

    • When someone visits the website and clicks on either the "TV show" or "Latest films" sections, the system gets data from these links and saves it temporarily in a storage area called the cache. This helps speed up future visits to those sections because the data is already available.
  2. Cache Management:

    • However, this caching only happens after someone actually visits those sections. If a person starts by using the search feature to look for movies or TV shows, the cache can get filled up with data from those searches, using up about 5MB of space depending on the number of searches done.
    • If, after using the search feature and they have filled up 5MB of space, and someone then tries to access the "TV show" or "Latest films" sections, the system will fetch the data and show it, but it won't save it in the cache because there's no room left. This means that if someone tries to view detailed information about a specific movie or show, they will encounter an error because that data isn't stored in the cache.
  3. Best Practice:

    • To avoid these the not found message, it's recommended that users first visit the "TV show" and "Latest films" sections before using the search feature. This ensures that the necessary data is stored in the cache, preventing not-found when accessing detailed views later on. This only if you want to view the lastest film or TV shows
  4. Proposed Solution:

    • One way to improve this situation is to modify the system so that it automatically fetches data for movies and TV shows when it starts up, and stores it in the cache right away. This would ensure that users always have access to this data, and any remaining cache space could then be used for search queries.

Queried searches:

Whenever a user queries the API, the application stores the search results in its cache. Any subsequent searches are then performed using this cached data, including multiple queries for specific items. However, once the application's allocated 5MB cache space is filled, any further queries will result in a 404 error when attempting to view detailed information by clicking on an item's picture. This occurs because the cache doesn't contain the necessary data, preventing the application from retrieving it by its ID.

There are two solutions to this issue. Firstly, an implementation of a feature that allows users to delete previous cache storage. Secondly, is to develop the logic that prompts the application to fetch data from the API if it's not found in the cache (because it wasn't added because of sapce) but not store in the cache if the system is full. This ensures that even if data wasn't stored previously, the application can still retrieve it when necessary. Both solutions will be implemented to address this limitation. Additionally, a notification system will be introduced to inform users about their storage usage. Currently, users can view their available storage in their dashboard. However, notifications will also be implemented to alert users when they are nearing the storage limit or have exhausted their storage capacity. These notifications will be visible to users regardless if they are at their dashboard or not and will only be shown if they are nearing or at the end of the storage otherwise they can view they storage in dashboard.

Another problem is the email that checks whether a user email exists in the system is not working correctly

Get Started

Next clone the repository

    git clone .

Install the necessary dpendencies:

    npm install

Next we need to generate a session key?

What is a session key

Session Keys in Web Development
  • In web development, session keys serve as unique identifiers assigned to each user's session. These keys are essential for maintaining session state and enabling stateful interactions between the client and server.
Key Functions:
  • Identification: Session keys uniquely identify each user's session. They allow the server to recognize returning users and associate subsequent requests with the correct session.

  • Authentication: Session keys are often used in authentication processes. Once a user logs in, a session key is generated and stored on the client side. This key is then used to authenticate subsequent requests from the same user

  • Authorization: Session keys enable the server to authorize access to protected resources based on the user's session. Authorized actions and resources are associated with specific session keys.

  • State Management: Session keys facilitate the storage and retrieval of session-specific data on the server side. This data may include user preferences, shopping cart items, and other session-related information.

Next run the html file called secretKeyGenerator.html either by live search or by opening it up in the browser. It should look like this:

Generator session key page

Image Description

Now use that newly generate key and open an .env file and enter into the following fields. Your .env file should look something like this

What is an .env file?

A .env file, short for 'environment' file, is a plaintext configuration file commonly used in software development to store environment variables. These variables typically include sensitive or environment-specific information such as API keys, database connection strings, and other configuration settings.

The .env file is usually kept separate from the main codebase and is not committed to version control systems like Git to prevent exposing sensitive information. Instead, developers create a .env.example file containing placeholders for the required variables and provide instructions for populating the actual .env file.


MOVIE_API_KEY                 = 
SECRET_KEY                    =

PORT                   = 3000

Once done run the command

  npm run dev

Next enter the url


If everything is okay you will see the following pages when you click on the various links

Home page

Home Page Description

TV shows

TV shows page

Latest films

Image Description

Search content

Image Description

Dynamic Film and TV Show Pages

Apart from the home page, the Film and TV show pages are dynamically generated and fetched from an API. When you first start the server, the application checks its cache for any existing films and TV shows. If the cache is empty, it queries the API to populate it, before storing the retrieved data in the cache.

Once the application is running, any requests for the TV shows and Film pages are served directly from the cache. This caching mechanism ensures that the server does not repeatedly reach out to the API for the same data, significantly improving performance and reducing unnecessary API calls. This is also done for any searches you have done

Detailed view page

detailed view page

Register ensuring that you use only the strongest password.


Checks your password before allowing entry


Anti-brute force attack

What is a brute force attack?

A brute force attack is a method used by attackers to gain unauthorized access to a system or data by systematically trying all possible combinations of characters, typically passwords or encryption keys. Attackes employ techniques like rainbow tables or dictionary attacks, which contain precomputed hashes or commonly used passwords (thousands), brute force attacks involve exhaustive searching. This attack is usually automated, allowing attackers to rapidly test numerous combinations until the correct one is found. If you password word is weak or can be found in the dictionary then your system is vulnerable to brute force attacks, to counteract this security measures are placed to ensure that an account lockout policies or rate limiting to mitigate the risk. These measures work by restricting the number of login attempts within a given time frame, thereby slowing down or deterring brute force attacks. The given time frame increase each time a user gets the password wrong

Ianti-brute force

Landing page

Image Description

Lighthouse report

I first ran the Lighthouse report on my browser, but I was advised by Lighthouse app to run it in incognito mode because there is a lot of overhead which affects the performance report. I followed this advice and re-ran the report. Below is my updated report



Thank you for exploring our project! Hopefully this README has provided you with valuable insights into its objectives, features, and usage.


  • TMBD API - Used their API to be able to fetch movies and TV shows
  • [Canvas] ( - For the moving banner gif located at the top of the home page


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