This project is about creating a simple wireframe model representation of a 3D landscape by linking various points (x, y, z) thanks to line segments (edges).
- make
- gcc
- package xorg
- package libxext-dev
- package libbsd-dev
➜ Requirements installation for Debian Distributions:
sudo apt-get install gcc make xorg libxext-dev libbsd-dev
- Xquartz
➜ Requirements installation:
Brew install Xquartz
git clone
cd fdf
make bonus
- Start The executable:
./fdf_bonus [map name]
- If the map doesn't exist in the same directory you should provide the path along with name [path/name].
- The map extension should always be .fdf
Each number represents a point in space:
- The horizontal position corresponds to its axis.
- The vertical position corresponds to its ordinate.
- The value corresponds to its altitude, and it may contain a comma followed by the color of the line in hexa.
./fdf_bonus ./maps/julia.fdf
- + - : Zoom in and out
- ↑ ↓ : Translation up and down
- ← → : Translation left and right
- w s : Changing the altitude (z)
- a d : Rotation
- p : Parallel projection
- ESC : Close the window
- Only the next functions are allowed:
open, close, read, write, malloc, free, perror, strerror, exit
All functions of the math
All functions of the MiniLibX
- You must use the MiniLibX.
- Global variables are forbidden.
The mlx library used in the project was provided by Minilibx.